seventy six.

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The monday night was not one any of them thought it would be. While one was hoping for a better week, seeing the positives so early that day only to be ruined by the end of it, the other two had both been struggling with decisions. Neither of them wanted to hurt others, but they didn't want to lie. It's never that easy.

Taehyung never wanted to hurt anybody, he didn't want to upset his best friend and he certainly didn't want to hurt Jungkook the way he had suspected happened. It was all he could think about that night while seeing his friends ignore him and spend time together. He wasn't even that mad, he would ignore himself too.

Jimin was still deciding if he had done the right thing. Knowing his friend was there with a girl he didn't personally like, it was a low blow to bring Jungkook unknowingly after a few weeks of happiness with the brunette. Jimin couldn't stand to watch his friend get attached, just to be disappointed by the older boy who was in no place to start something new.

He thought about it all night, throughout the movies and glasses of wine meant to drown out the pain. Jimin thought about whether it was right to show Jungkook what he knew was going on behind his back. Maybe it wasn't his place, maybe he should have let Taehyung figure it out, but he knew that wasn't the case. If Taehyung was ready to figure it out, he would have dropped that woman months ago.

The texts eventually stopped. Jimin knew his friend wanted to get a hold of the younger boy, but it wasn't the time right now.

Jungkook didn't realize how attached he had become to the brunette. It hurt to see him be touchy with someone the way they had been together, except Taehyung never behaved that way unless they were behind closed doors, not to be seen by anyone else, not even Jimin for that matter. It hurt, maybe more than it should have.

Once the texts stopped, Jimin figure Taehyung had given up and went to sleep, maybe he went to go find her. It was the usual procedure that followed anything that stressed or confused the boy. Jungkook would drive until he almost ran out of gas and then smoke until he was almost out of cigarettes. Taehyung would run to her until he was too dazed to remember what bothered him in the first place and his self esteem was so low she'd have him crawling back whenever she asked.

Jimin knew these things, he knew his friends. What he didn't know what Taehyung ready to give it to him when he opened his door that morning.

The brunette shoving him inside and slamming the door shut angrily, completely throwing the shorter boy off guard. "What the fuck Jimin!" Taehyung shouted, the vein in his neck standing prominent. "Did you think that was clever of you? What did you want to accomplish by fucking everything up?"

He knew he was angry, that's why he was saying those things. Jimin reminded himself this and tried not to take the words so personally. "I did what was right Tae." he said, voice calm.

"That was not your choice to make." Taehyung snapped back. "I had it under control, I was going to talk to Jungkook."

Jimin rolled his eyes and felt his hands clench into fists. "That's bullshit and you know it."

The brunette glared at his friend and took a deep breath, his chest heaving with frustration. "Out of everyone, I'd expect you to understand this isn't easy."

"That doesn't mean I'm going to let my friend get hurt." Jimin said. Of course he knew Taehyungs past with the woman, he's always been by his side through every hardship, but that doesn't excuse his behavior these last couple weeks. "But you of all people should know how wrong you are right now."

Taehyung clenched his jaw and the angry was evident in every feature on his face and down to his clenched hands. Jimin took his silence as a chance to continue, "Just because Soojin has you wrapped around her finger, doesn't mean you can turn around and treat Jungkook the same shitty way. He doesn't deserve that."

The two looked at each other for a moment, neither wanting to back down but neither wanting to say anything else. Taehyung was silence and thinking of the words from his friend, it wasn't hard to see the truth, but he was too ashamed with himself to admit it, and anger was an easy outlet.

"I'll see you later Taehyung." Jimin finally said, moving around the other to actually make it out the door this time. He still had classes to go to, it wasn't the same for him to just miss and risk the penalties of too many absences.

Jungkook didn't really care about this too much. The more he went to school the less he believed he needed to be there. There was so much good he could be doing outside of the classroom that constricted most creative energy. Maybe he'd go tomorrow, maybe he'd talk to that girl again, maybe he'll actually try that hot chocolate from the new cafe, or maybe he'll spend the next night crying and wondering what he did wrong again.

it's 2:30 am
i should probably sleep
instead of updating

pls vote since i'm losing sleep
for this book and constant updates
because we know everyone likes that

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