fifty five.

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It was late, the movie was paused and Taehyung sat on the youngers bed expectantly with arms crossed over his chest and his social media app opened on his phone. The boys eyes were trained on the bathroom door and waiting for a certain boy to exit.

A few seconds later the door opened just a crack and Taehyung focused on keeping his angry face as best as he could, but it wavered when a fluffy head of black hair poked out with a little grin on his lips.

"Hey Tae," Jungkook smiled with a light laugh, slowly emerging completely from behind the door and shoving his phone into his back pocket, "Woah that rhymed. So cool right?"

The younger boy could see the look of unamusement on the others face, but he couldn't help but smile softly at the boys attempt to be 'angry.'

"Jungkook." Taehyung said, "Delete that photo." he demanded, arms still crossed.

"I forgot my phone password." Jungkook tried as an excuse.

"Use your thumb print, jerk."

"I lost it."

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted, launching himself off the bed and chasing after the younger who ran out of the bedroom with a wild laugh. "Get back here!"

It was a futile attempt, Jungkook may have been younger but he was faster and stronger than Taehyung, letting the older boy think he could win was just part of his own amusement.

Jungkook ran around the couch with a wide grin on his face, Taehyung shouting behind him and straining his arms to grasp the fabric of the younger boys shirt. "Stop running! We have a movie to finish!" he grabbed a pillow from the couch and aimed it at the back Jungkooks running form.

It'll didn't help Taehyungs case as the ravenette took off around the couch and rounded his way back to his bedroom. He was fast, but they also went through two bags of popcorn and his stomach was trying to remind him. "Catch me you can Taehyungie." Jungkook sing-songed, coming to a stop at the edge of his bed and taking a deep breath.

He glanced over his shoulder to see and angry looking Taehyung stomping his way into the room. "That was too much energy exerted." he huffed, another pillow was clutched to his chest.

"Yeah you're kinda slow." Jungkook teases, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

Taehyungs eyebrows pinched together more and he threw the pillow hard at the youngers head, who caught it with ease. Jungkook was about to throw a comment back when he looked up to see the older boy running at him. "Taehy-" the ravenette was cut off by Taehyung hitting him and causing them both to fall onto the bed, Jungkook groaning a bit at the impact.

"Jesus." the younger hissed, but his mild annoyance disappeared when he opened his eyes and saw how close Taehyung was to him, pressed against him chest with his hands holding onto his wrists. "Well hello."

"Shut up." Taehyung huffed, hitting the youngers chest lightly.

Jungkook chuckled softly and raised his leg, grazing Taehyungs hip and noticing the hitch in his breathing at the close contact. "What are you doing?" he asked.

The ravenette just kept his eyes on Taehyungs with a playful smile on his lips, his leg hooking over the others before gracefully flipping them over and smirking down at a shocked Taehyung. "Now what are you doing?" his deep voice was barely over a whisper and Jungkook was starting to love the effect it had on him.

"Just looking at you." Jungkook said, tilting his head slightly and feeling his stomach turn at the way Taehyung got more and more flustered. "What would you like me to do?"

"Delete the p-photo." Taehyung managed to get out, not without internally cringing at his voice sounding so weak, but that's all he felt right now underneath the body and stare of the younger boy.

"But you looked so good." Jungkook whispered, his thumbs rubbing the inside of Taehyungs wrist gently in soothing little patterns. He had to contain himself, not move too fast and ruin something so perfect. The older boy was making that really hard, especially when he closed his eyes and parted those plump pink lips.

He wasn't sure where the confidence came from, but Jungkook somehow got the courage to lean down and gently nudge Taehyungs nose, the boy only now fluttering his eyes open, "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" Jungkook asked, he wanted to hear him say it.

It was silent for a few seconds, but it felt like minutes to both of them. Taehyung knew what he wanted to say, the words stuck in his throat and a million thoughts rushing through his mind all at once. But with one look into those dark orbs, Taehyung felt his stomach flip and his heart jump a little. Gosh Jungkook was too damn handsome.

"Kiss me." Taehyung said, his eyes never leaving the youngers and feeling his heart beat faster at the smile that appeared on his face.

Jungkook didn't wait any longer before leaning down and pressing their lips together, feeling the softness of Taehyungs mouth against his and the way he grabbed onto his shirt in his fists. It was a sweet kiss, a short one before Jungkook pulled away and tried to catch his breath. He didn't want to get too greedy to quick. "You wanna finish the movie now Tae?" he asked softly, pushing some of Taehyungs hair back from his forehead.

Taehyung only nodded and covered half his face with a hand, he felt the warmth in his cheeks and could only imagine how read he was. "Alright, up you go." Jungkook said, moving off the older boy and tugging him up by the hand. "And no covering your face."

The brunette was too flustered to come up with coherent sentences, leaving him to nod dumbly and follow behind Jungkook with a little smile on his face before they both climbed back into bed. Jungkook grabbed the laptop and placed it on their thighs, hitting the space bar and listening to the cheery song that came from the speakers. "This movie is still lame." he leaned back against the pillows and ran a hand through his hair.

Taehyung huffed, "Shut up, its good." he argued back with a little angry pout the younger boy just wanted to kiss again.

He must have got the message, maybe from the way Jungkook couldn't stop staring at the side of his face, because Taehyung glanced over at the younger before pushing the laptop away and placing himself on Jungkooks thigh.
"This is already better." the raventte grinned, his hands already in the older boys hips and tugging him closer if that was possible.

"You really need to learn to shut up." Taehyung shook his head with a smile before pressing his lips to Jungkooks once again. This time they were more comfortable and not nervous middle school boys with their crush. Jungkook nibbled gently on Taehyungs bottom lip and tightened his grip around his waist when he moaned softly.

The two boys sat and kissed in the dark of the bedroom, with only the glow of the laptop illuminating them and the sound of disney songs in the background.

i'm really happy with this chapter

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