sixty six.

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"I'm just saying, I really thinks it's going to be worth it in the end."

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung rose and eyebrow, scoffing lightly and trying not to smile at how endearing the ravenette could be. "Why's that."

"Because," Jungkook started, he was sitting in the passengers seat on the way home from the grocery store the next morning. His hand was still in bad shape and gripping the steering wheel hurt a bit too much. "Imagine the wicked cool scar it's going to leave."

At the hospital last night, Taehyung watched as they cleaned the wound on Jungkooks hand, it looked a lot better without all the blood staining his pretty skin. It was a five inch long gash, not too deep, wrapped from nearly the center of his palm and around the bottom of his thumb to the back of his hand. One of the nurses had said he was lucky he didn't lose his thumb or cause more damage to the nerves.

Jungkook left with stitches and a bandage around it so it didn't look too bad.

"Imagine if your whole thumb came off?" Taehyung countered, "Imagine trying to vlog."

There was a short silence and a hum of thought from the passenger seat. "I could also do that surgery where I replace my thumb with my big toe."

"I'm never holding your hand again."

That set off another argument and playful bickering back and forth the whole way home, especially when Jungkook decided to milk his injury and insist that carrying the grocery bags while be too much.

"You have a perfectly good left hand." Taehyung deadpans.

"Yeah, to open the doors for you." Jungkook rolled his eyes but followed it with a small smile so he didn't come as too rude. "Let's go I want lunch." the ravenette said, putting his good hand at the small of Taehyungs back to guide him towards the elevator.

"So how long did the lady nurse woman say until the stitches can come out?" Jungkook asked, poking at his bandage and wincing at the slight pain.

Taehyung smacked his hand away, "Stop that dummy. And weren't you listening to her?"

He shook his head thinking back to the past night in the hospital, most of it involving pain and a fuzzy mind. "No I had a headache and she was boring." Jungkook shrugged, pushing open the apartment door and waiting for the older to enter before closing it.

Taehyung laughed lightly not really surprised in the youngers behavior. "Two weeks Kook."

"That's so long." he grumbled, walking over to the couch and falling onto his back. Jungkook remembered how he dropped the wine bottles, definitely not his finest moment, but watching the recording back was pretty funny.

The ravenette closed his eyes and tried not to think of the throbbing in his hand from poking the stitches earlier in the car. He didn't open his eyes until he heard rustling by the kitchen table and felt someone gently take his bandaged hand. Taehyung gave him a smile and sat on the floor facing the couch, "What's your favorite color?" he asked.

"Red." Jungkook said. He watched as the older boy gently held his hand and found the red marker beside him on the carpeted floor. Taehyungs tongue poked out a bit as he started to color the bandage over his stitches. Jungkook could tell he was being gentle, not applying much pressure to make it hurt more, but he wasn't paying attention to what he was drawing. He was too focused on watching the boys gentle and focused features. It was cute.

"Are you going to class tomorrow?" Taehyung asked, his voice quiet and nearly a murmur as most of his focus was on his little doodle.

Jungkook hummed and nodded, "Yeah I need to, I missed enough this semester."

"I figured," the brunette said, "Your mom wouldn't stop calling last night while you were getting your stitches."

Earlier today he had seen the missed calls from his mom, he sent her a quick text and felt bad for not calling her as often as usual. "She always calls a lot after I post a new video." Jungkook chuckles, thinking back to some of the voicemails he's gotten, "There's always some mildly dumb shit she's concerned about."

"She sounds sweet." Taehyung said, grabbing the yellow marker and adding the bandage.

"Can we go to your house soon?" Jungkook asked, using his free hand to tuck some of Taehyungs hair behind his ear, "I like your moms lemonade."

The older boy chuckled quietly and set all the markers down, "She's already asked about you coming over for dinner." he said, missing the smile on the youngers face as he looked at the doodle he made. "It's finished!"

Jungkooks smile widened as he held his hand up and looked at the splash of red, yellow, and orange on his bandage. "What do you think?" Taehyung asked, a sparkle in his eyes as he watched and waited for the response.

To be honest, Jungkook couldn't tell what it was exactly, something between a fire or maybe a flower. "It's great Tae, I love the red." he smiled.

Taehyung was happy with the response and picked up all the markers, before standing and going to place them back in the drawer. "Let's order wings tonight and do a mukbang." Jungkook said, "But you have to feed me because I'm injured."

"Once again," the other boy said, "You have another perfectly good hand."

"I want to hold your hand with that one."

Taehyung stilled in the kitchen and felt his cheeks heat up. He could practically feel Jungkooks smirk and smug look directed at him. "Shut up." the older boy mumbled, pulling his phone out and hitting the safari app.

"Are you ordering wings?" Jungkook asked, a small grin forming on his face.


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