seventy nine.

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It still sucked. To see the older boy around school and in class, to spot him on the street and ignore the urge to yell his name and greet the boy with a hug.

Jungkook missed him, but what sucked the most about seeing him around was noticing how unhappy he was. Taehyung wasn't smiling as much or laughing like he used to hear from down the hall and know exactly where the older was. He didn't know why he was so unhappy, if it was Jungkook that caused that or some other reason. He wondered if he looked the same way.

They started sitting at lunch together again, not really speaking like before but not avoiding each other. Jimin could still tell they weren't okay, but he talked to both of them and tried to crack jokes to make them both laugh.

It was awkward, and Jungkook knew they needed to talk about it soon. He just needed to get over the urge to kiss Taehyung every time he saw him before he could sit and have a serious conversation with him.

Jungkooks been going to school less again. Without the help he used to get on his channel, he's back to doing everything on his own and trying to keep up with the upload schedule he's always promised to his viewers. It was a tough decision to make, but he finally realized what his priorities were.

It was a Tuesday morning, one of the last days he walked on school grounds looking for a certain person. He noticed her immediately and called her name.

"Hyuna!" Jungkook shouted across he courtyard. A lot of people were shocked to hear the young boy so open and loud, he was always closed off and usually avoiding everyone but his two closest friends. People only showered him with attention when he first started school, obsessed with his youtube channel and wanting to be friends with him.

Luckily, they were all nice enough to give him space when he asked for it.

"Hey Jungkook." she smiled, walking up to him and taking the small piece of paper he held out.

"That's my number," he explained, "I want you to text me so I can talk to you about something." the boy awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and waited for a response.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Uh, good for you?" Jungkook said.

Hyuna paused before bursting out laughing and covering her mouth with her hand, "Oh my gosh that sounded so bitchy of me, I thought you were flirting."

Jungkooks eyes widened and he shook his head, "Hell no, I mean youre nice and I'm sure lots of people flirt with you, just not me, not that I don't think you're beautiful or anything you have nice cheekbones and-"

She cut him off with a hand to his mouth as well and laughed lightly, "I get it, please stop talking."

The younger smiled sheepishly and felt his cheeks heat up. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"I just wanted to get together after school today, maybe dance a little."

Hyuna nodded and slipped the piece of paper into the front pocket of her jeans, "Yeah that sounds good, how about that studio by the eyeglasses store?"

Jungkook nodded with a grin, "Sounds good, Ill see you there."

He was excited all day, from leaving the school office with a skip in his step, knowing he'd never be back, to driving all the way home and watching high school musical until it was time to meet up with the pretty red head.

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