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The next morning wasn't as horrible as usual. Jungkook woke up to his alarm without a grumble and was almost looking forward to the day at school, or maybe it was the brunette he was sure to see in a couple hours.

He never put much effort into his look, but today he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The feeling in his stomach was almost annoying and he couldn't stop the dissatisfaction with everything he tried on. Jungkook eventually became too frustrated and tugged on plain black sweater with white jeans, it would match his converse.

There wasn't a text from the boy when Jungkook checked his phone and he was a little disappointed, but told himself he was still sleeping or just getting ready.

When he was about to leave, Jungkook noticed the note on the counter from the hospital that he had to give his dance instructor to keep him from dancing. It was a bummer, but Jungkook didn't want to mess his hand up more by swinging around and making it hurt intentionally.

I can just stop by there before homeroom. He told himself, taking the small paper and quickly making his way down to the jeep and on his way to school.

It was still pretty early and Jungkook found his spot easily, parking and grabbing his bag from the back.

The dance classroom were near the english building past the cafeteria, so he headed there first and accidentally bumped into someone who exited the same time he rounded the corner. "Oh-" Jungkook gasped, "I'm so sorry." he said, bending down to help the girl pick up her bag and the few pens that spilt out of the side pocket.

"No no, don't worry it was my fault too." she reassured him and stood back up, "Thanks."

Jungkook recognized her from his calculus class, the girl with the red hair that sat at the front and seemed to ignore mostly every annoying person in there. Except him of course. "We have calculus together right?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah, your Jungkook right?"

He nodded with a smile, "That's me." he internally cringed at his response and suddenly remembered why he doesn't talk to people.

She laughed lightly and adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "I'm Hyuna, it's nice to meet you properly." she said, quite sweetly.

Jungkook agreed, only now noticing her attire and the loose tank she wore with the sweatpants that were tight at the ankle. Part of him wanted to ask where she got them. "Do you dance?" he decided to ask instead, gesturing into the classroom she just excited.

"Uh yeah, I was just practicing a little for fun," Hyuna said with a light shrug, "I'm not the best but I enjoy it."

"I'm sure you're great." Jungkook said, waving off the slight negativity to her words with a shrug and a soft smile everyone adored. "You should show me some time." He wasn't sure where this confidence came from to actually set himself up for failure in the future, but he already opened his mouth and there was no turning back.

Jungkook felt relieved to see her smile and nod, "Okay, maybe sometime." she said, "I gotta get going to class, you should too."

"I'll be there soon." he said, giving her a wave and she smiled and walked off across the courtyard to their first class.

It felt like he could finally breath as she turned around and he didn't have to pretend like he didn't want to vomit everywhere. Why do people enjoy socializing on purpose. He would never understand.

Jungkook quickly ran in and gave the note to his instructor before thanking him and leaving just as fast to make it on time to class. He ran down the hall and slowed down before rounding the corner into the room as the bell rang and his teacher gave him a pointed look. "Just in time Mr. Jeon." he said.

The ravenette just grinned and looked back at his desk, noticing the empty space in front of his seat and filling with confusion.

He walked back to his seat and slid into the seat while taking his phone out and sending a quick text to Jimin. He figured Taehyung would tell him if he wasn't coming today.

Once physics class came around, Jungkook still didn't hear back from either of his friend and walked into the room with an annoyed expression as Jimin sat there taking notes of the homework on the board. "What the heck, did you not care to text me back?" he asked, sitting down next to his friend.

"I don't know why he isn't here." Jimin said, eyes still focused on his paper.

Jungkook eyed him for a moment before sighing and taking out his own notes that he knew would remain blank the whole time.

Half way through the lesson, the ravenette felt his phone vibrate, surprisingly him mildly since the only people that texted him during school hours was the boy sitting beside him. Jimin was too absorbed in the lesson to even think of pulling his phone out.

Jungkook took a peek at the screen and felt relieved seeing a text from him.

Taehyung said he needed to talk to Jungkook at lunch, and he was looking forward to seeing him.

That was until the bell nearly rang for the period to end, but a woman came over the intercom to contact the teacher. "Yes?" their physics professor spoke loudly.

"Can we have Jeon Jungkook to the main office please when the bell rings?" the woman asked.

"No problem." the teacher said, looking at him with a nod to make sure he heard the fall.

Jungkook slouched in his seat and sighed, this would most definitely be dumb.

And it was, so dumb. The thought ran through his mind as he sat in the guidance counselors office with the "concerned" lady bringing up his attendance record. "Are you have trouble at home?" she asked.

Jungkook scoffed, "I live alone."

"Maybe that's it," she said, "Do you tend to feel alone most of the time?"

Jungkook doesn't remember signing up for a therapy session and the unnecessary questioning was getting on his nerves. "I actually live with my cat and we are very happy together." he said, standing up and grabbing his backpack, "So if that's all, I'll be going now."

The guidance counselor pursed her lips and looked up at him through her thin glasses. "Alright Mr. Jeon, have a nice day." she dismissed him, "But watch your attendance."

He saluted her before shoving the door open and hearing the bell ring, signaling the end of lunch and the start of the next class. Jungkook grumbled some profanities on his way out the office and made sure he kept it up all the way to the next period.

if you don't listen to hyuna
i highly recommend it
she's my favorite and my wife

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