eighty eight. ♡

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the final part

Things couldn't have been better these past few weeks after the two boys finally settled their dispute. It was hard to label something so fresh when each had their own issues to deal with, but they knew they were solely each other's.

Jungkook didn't go back to high school, he was set on what his heart wanted and he knew it was creating videos for people that loved him and being able to do so with someone he thinks he was really starting to love.

It was hard to feel the same way, especially watching the younger freely through the camera, seeing him open up completely when he knows he's being filmed and being carefree with his actions and words. The room lit up when Jungkook smiled and his laugh rang through the room.

Today they were sitting in the raventtes kitchen, pizza rolls and beer bottles littering the island as laughter bounced off the walls. Taehyung was grinning behind the camera and holding his hands steady as he captured Hoseok trying to redeem himself again.

"You can do it Hobi!" Jimin cheered, his arm was linked with Hyunas who had recently dyed her hair a nice blonde color.

Jungkook missed the red hair because a lot of his content was from calling her merida, but he was happy she picked blonde because that came with its own countless amount of jokes. Jimin was also into the blonde color, his own hair still black but the darkness of his eyes sparkled as he watched the girl next to him squeeze her eye shut in laughter.

Everyone likes Hyuna, she was too sweet not to bring in and want to be friends with.

Hobi ended up coughing into the sink again, but not before counting how many pizza rolls he managed to fit and proudly revealing his previous record to be beaten.

The group of them cheered and clapped him on the back. Yoongi had passed around another set of beers to the group before seeing a Jungkook reach for the wine bottle. "Listen, I really think I can do it this time-"

"No!" everyone shouted at once, Taehyung glaring at his boyfriend from over the camera.

Boyfriend. It was crazy to think that's basically what they were, neither of them had the guts to say it that often since both would blush and change the topic too quickly, like a bunch of school girls.

They spent most of their night together, if it wasn't editing in Jungkooks kitchen or kissing in his bed, then they were most likely at Taehyungs house and he would struggle to keep his boyfriends attention from his mother that stole it with her sweetness. They loved to sit and gossip while drinking lemonade, leaving Taehyung to watch with his chin in his palm and wonder how he could have been lucky enough to be noticed by a boy who had it all.

Some of the best nights were the ones that weren't so happy, the ones that showed their perfect life had its bumps and they needed each other more than ever to get through it.

It takes time to get over something that was a big part of your life, Taehyung is learning that as he tried his best to leave Soojin behind and focus on what he really wanted. Those night she'd try to contact him or use the things she knew would bring him back, he'd call Jungkook, and they'd sit on the phone until both of them felt better.

Of course it was hard for the younger, feeling like he was ten steps ahead emotionally in this relationship and having to know his boyfriend was still dealing with a past relationship. But it was nights like this one, the ones where Jungkook had everyone he loved together in one place and they spent it together being happy and carefree about the problems left for tomorrow.

Taehyung would always remind him, tell him how much he cared in little ways not always spoken. "Hey," his deep voice still sent shivers Jungkooks spine, even after all this time. "What are you thinking about?" he asked.

Jungkook just hummed and forgot the camera was even there, "You." he said, pushing some of the brunettes hair behind his ear and feeling his chest warm as the older boy leaned into his touch. "How much you mean to me."

"When did you get so soft?" Taehyung teased the younger, a smile matching the one of his boyfriends face.

The ravenette just laughed and tugged Taehyung closer by the loop in his jeans, "If you want me to get hard just say so."

"There he is." Taehyung laughed, shoving him a bit and watching as Jungkook doubled over in a laugh that caught everyone's attention.

"What did we miss?" Jin asked, watching the two boys laugh together until they had tears in their eyes and sore cheeks from smiling.

"Nothing." Jungkook said, moving his hands around Taehyungs waist before taking the camera from him and smiling at the lens, "That's enough filming for tonight, we got some plans now." he winked and stopped the recording before looking at his boyfriend, every emotion in his eyes as they stared at each other. It felt like forever, but it may have only been seconds, and that's how life seems to be, way too long but going by fast in flash when surrounded by the people you love.

That's how Jungkook decided to live, with his friends and his love, in a little world they made together and shared on the internet for the rest of the world to see, hopefully brightening up someone's day.

the end

thank you so much for reading!!

i considered writing a SEQUEL
but if this story doesn't get enough attention i'm not sure i will

the idea will be put on hold for now
but please if you liked it, let me know and even share it so other can enjoy it too! i loves writing it and follow me so you'll know when i post more 💓💗

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