twenty seven.

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The colors blended perfectly and the setting sun fit with the smooth beats of the music that he had layered over the footage. If it wasn't for his need to go to the bathroom, Jungkook may have never looked at his phone after being so entranced in his own work.

Jin was still wondering when the young boy would show up. It was already noon and he was never one to sleep in that late. Plus Namjoon was waiting for waffles very patiently, but that would run out soon.

"I'm leaving now, I got distracted." Jungkook said into his phone after noticing the few missed calls from his hyung.

"Distracted," Jin laughed, understanding completely, "You can bring your laptop if you want to edit here."

The ravenette paused for a second and bit the instead of his lip, he really should, but he also felt like being lazy all day. "Alright, see you in ten." he said before hanging up and grabbing his backpack and equipment bag.

Jungkook hadn't heard back from Taehyung yet, and he was hoping to get some help editing a few videos for the rest of the week. Jimin was suppose to see if he came to school today.

It was a quick drive to Jin's home, the gate was closed and Jungkook sighed in annoyance, only because he was awful at remembering things and tried to think of the code. He eventually got it right and parked in the driveway before letting himself into the house.

"Hey Jungkook." Namjoon greeted him at the entrance with Jin by his side. The two had fancy glasses in their hands as usual with a second ready for the youngest. "How many times did you try until the code was right?" Jin asked before handing over the drink.

"How do you know I didn't get it right the first time?" Jungkook asked.

"We watched from the front window." they both said at once.

Jungkook nodded, not surprised, and followed the couple through the foyer and into the kitchen. "Why didn't you go to school today?" Jin asked, taking out a few plates from the cabinets and setting them on the island.

"I had a lot on my mind." Jungkook said. It wasn't unusual for the boy to get overwhelmed at times, with the stress of keeping his grades up and trying to graduate to making sure he channel doesn't fail since it's his only source of money. "I need to get some homework done."

"So you skip school to do school work." Namjoon asked, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was genuinely confused by the statement.

"I was home schooled for ten years so is it technically skipping?" Jungkook tested his hyung, there was an obvious tone of teasing in his voice, and a smile that followed as Namjoon genuinely seemed convinced that skipping school was now justified.

"Can I set up anywhere?" Jungkook asked, getting a nod in return from Jin who was grabbing silverware while Namjoon worked on the waffle batter.

The kitchen table was huge, too big for a home only housing two people and three guinea pigs, but Jin bought it knowing that he'd have lots of times with Jimin and Jungkook showing up unannounced wanting food. "Have I told you I loved your table." Jungkook said with a smile, setting his backpack on the light colored wood surface. He traced the lines of the natural wood with his finger before moving on the take out his two laptops and a few cords he needed.

"Many times." Jin said. He placed the plates on the other end of the table and Namjoon followed with the utensils.

The room filled with a sweet smell as Jin poured some of the batter into the iron, Namjoon wanted to but apparently they had a mishap earlier and they're now on the third bowl of batter. "What are you working on?"

Jungkook looked up at the sound of his hyungs voice. "Uh, a video." he clicked the corner to minimize the editing program as Namjoon came walking over.

"Jin keeps trying to edit his, but Yoongi always ends up fixing it." the other boy said, his glasses perched on his nose and eyes scrunched as he grinned widely. Jungkook laughed lightly and pulled his phone out as it vibrated.
The text was from Taehyung, apparently Jimin got a hold of him at lunch.

"Hey Jin," the ravenette said, catching the eldest's attention, "Can I invite a friend over? He's suppose to help me edit."

"Of course, ask if he wants waffles," Jin smiled.

Jungkook nodded and quickly texted the boy back, but left out the part about waffles.

"So, how much do you pay Yoongi to edit your videos?" Jungkook became curious, of course the elder had a lot more money in his bank account, based on the size of the house and all the bedazzled accessories inside.

The mentioned boy suddenly halted his work in the kitchen and looked over at his friends at the table, "We're suppose to be paying Yoongi to edit our videos?" Jin asked.

"I pay Taehyung," Jungkook said, "Well I will, he's only been working for me for like, five days." he clarified.

"Who's Taehyung?" Namjoon asked.

"The boy that I invited over to help edit." Jungkook looked up at his hyung from his seat at the chair.

"How much do you pay him?" Jin asked. The two were now full of questions apparently.

Jungkook closed the top of his laptop as more waffles were being finished and added to a stack. "Thirty an hour."

Namjoon and Jin both gasped and looked at each other, "Bro do you know how much money we would owe Yoongi." Namjoon said.

"You're right," Jin said, "Also did you just bro me?"

Jungkook just sipped his drink and leaned back in his chair. His attention was soon lost from the other two talking as his phone vibrated and he got more texts from a certain brunette guy.


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