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By the time monday came around, Jungkook was running on five hours of sleep and had stashed three energy drinks in his backpack and sacrificed his math notebook since there was no room for it all. Jimin will just have to doodle on something else today.

He was never late on monday's, he didn't have any reason to be. It was the filming during the week and the mix of school that had him staying up late and coming in after the bell.

Today he was one of the first students in homeroom, not many people came in early to calc class. He recognized two boys at the front who usually fall asleep and a girl with fire red hair sitting front by the window. The other student was sitting at the desk in front of his. Fluffy brown locks and fancy thin glasses perched on his nose.

"Good morning." Taehyung said as the ravenette walked past to his own desk.

Jungkook dropped his backpack on the floor and took a seat, leaning his head back against the wall. "Good morning."

"Is it?" Taehyung said with a light chuckle, and Jungkook could hear the smile in his voice, "Those bags under your eyes say otherwise."

The younger male huffed and opened one eye to look at the other guy. "It's been a long weekend."

"Waffles are tiring."

Jungkook opened both eyes and tilted his head, there was an obvious concern as to how the other would know about his weekend.

"Instagram." Taehyung clarified. "And Jimin."

He nodded, looking over at the door as more people came walking in and chatting quietly. The teacher should be here soon to start the lesson. Jungkook had already learned most of this and wondered if he could nap this period. Taehyungs hair is fluffy enough to hide behind.

He looked back over to the boy in front of him, lips parted and wanting to speak, only to be cut off by the late bell ringing.

The teacher came walking in and started talking about whatever he had done over the weekend. Taehyung had turned around knowing he'd lost the chance the speak and fished out a new notebook for the lesson. He had been stressing about all that he's missed.

Mr. Tran started listing lessons and handing out worksheets that would be used later as tissues or just new additions to the trash.

Taehyung stared down at the worksheets and then back up at Mr. Tran scribbling across the board and underlining certain things. While his paper remained blank, his mind was anything but. There were too many equations and numbers running around in an attempt to be strung together to form some sort of understanding.

At one point it had become silent, students scribbling away and Mr. Tran scrolling through something on his computer. Taehyung sat and bit his bottom lip, he really hoped France was worth all the confusions now.

It didn't occur to him how more silent it seemed to be behind him.

Taehyung glanced over his shoulder to sneak a peek at the boy sitting there, only to realize he was in the same position that he last saw him, head tilted back and eyes closed with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Dude." he said it in a whisper but the younger had heard him anyways.

His eyes opened slowly, almost to be hidden by messy black bangs he might trim soon. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Can I help you?"

"Did you even pay attention at all to the lesson?" Taehyung asked, already knowing the answer to that, especially watching the boy blink a few times and eventually look down to the empty desk in front of him. "I guess not."

The older boy just laughed quietly and stayed facing the back in his seat. "What did he go over in this lesson?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung glanced back over on his desk to read the title he had scribbled down at the top of his notes. "Differentiation and Contexual Application." he said, turning back to look at the other boy.

He just nodded, it was familiar to him and a little review before the test would be good enough for him to pass. "That's easy." it was said with subtle confidence and he resumed his relaxed stance leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes.

The casual statement caught the older off guard, and he was mildly embarrassed by his total lack of understanding on the topic. "How would you know? It's not like you paid any attention."

Jungkook opened his eyes at this, a little smirk tugging at the corners of his thin pink lips. "Because I learned this last year. I'm a lot smarter than I look."

"That's for sure." Taehyung shot back.

"Maybe you'd be too if you didn't spend all that time running around in France and eating escargots." He doesn't know why, but Jungkook was comfortable teasing the other despite the only few encounters they've had.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, but it seemed to be in a playful manner, especially as they realized they may know more about each other due to a certain blonde friend they share.
"That's a bit stereotypical don't you think?"

"Was I wrong?" Jungkook asked quickly, his eyebrow raised and a cheeky smile playing on his face.

Taehyung only turned around his seat, his head shaking a bit and trying his hardest not to grin too much. He want about to feed into this kids ego too much, no matter how much the younger amused him.

i love where this is going

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