fifty nine.

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They spent most of time on Jungkooks bed that night kissing and whispering to each other under the sheets. It was well past midnight but it would be a long time before either of them grew tired of the other's company.

"Your tongue tastes like orange chicken." Jungkook said with a chuckle, watching Taehyung pout and hide his face against the youngers chest. "That's so gross." he mumbled against the fabric.

"Orange chicken taste great, that's why we ordered it." Jungkook said, poking the older boys sides to get him to look up.

Taehyung swatted Jungkooks hands away before tilting his head up and resting his chin in the back of his hand. "Yeah but it's not cute now."

Jungkook pushes back some of the brown bangs falling over the others forehead with a small smile, "You're always cute don't worry."

"Go to sleep." Taehyung mumbled, his cheeks ablaze and turning pink the more the ravenette showered him in kindness. "I should get going anyways."

"No." It was Jungkooks turn to pout, his arms going to wrap around the older boys waist and keep him shut against his chest and unable to leave the warm bedsheets.

"Jungkook." Taehyung whined, wiggling in his grip before giving up rather quickly, "I'm literally coming back tomorrow night." 

It took some convincing and a few extra kisses to get the younger boy to let Taehyung go, a pout still on his face as he got out of bed and all the way out to the apartment door. He only faltered when he watched Taehyung pick up his phone and look at the screen with a sigh.

Jungkook knew it was that girl trying to get a hold of him. If only Jimin had told him more when he asked the first time, maybe he wouldn't be feeling a little sick to his stomach right now watching Taehyung grab his backpack and shoes before leaving with a quick goodbye and little smile.

"Bye."Jungkook said as the door shut, leaving him standing alone in his apartment that suddenly seemed a lot quieter.

It was an odd thing, the way Jungkook would hate to feel alone but refused to make any new friends outside his closest ones and spent most of his time by himself. He still went back to his bed and climbed into the sheets, hugging a pillow close to his chest before falling asleep.

The weight on his chest the next morning eventually woke him from his sleep. Jungkook felt around with closed eyes, feeling a pair of legs straddling his stomach, "Taehyung?" he mumbled.

"Wow, that's gonna get old real fast."

"Told you."

Jungkooks eyes snapped open at the sound of their voices and he looked around his room, seeing an annoyed looking Jimin sitting on top of him and a smug looking Jin standing at the edge of the bed with his hands on his hips. "What the hell are you two doing in my room?" Jungkook groaners, covering his face with a pillow and hoping he'd wake up to an empty apartment again.

"We have plans Kook!" Jimin said, smacking the pillow with his small hands.

"Get off me gnome." Jungkook hit him with the pillow and sat up, pushing the shorter boy off him in one swift motion.

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