forty nine.

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Today he actually went to school, and he was not liking a second of it. Most of the day he would talk to Taehyung or annoy Jimin, but one was at Jins house while the other was actually paying attention to the lesson.

Jungkook was bored here and he felt like he wasn't learning. He decided to do public school his senior year to hang out with his friends and have a new experience. Except he didn't make any new friends and he had less time now to make videos for the people he actually wanted to spend time with.

His sour mood was worsening with each hour, but it suddenly took a turn when he got a text from certain boy. Jungkook tried to ignore the way a smile automatically tugged at his lips and he was already texting back.

It was kinda bad, the way Taehyung could text him and he'd be doing what he said thirty seconds later. None of that crosses Jungkooks mind as he left the building between classes and jumped over the fence to the parking lot. Anywhere with Taehyung was better than being by himself.

"Hey, I'm outside." Jungkook said into his phone once he made it to Jins house.

Taehyung mumbled something before hanging up and coming to the front door. He had been instructed to wait outside until Taehyung came to get him. Technically he wasn't suppose to be here yet since he's judging the older boy later on. "Hey," Taehyung said with his deep voice and brown locks flowing nicely, "Put this on." he said holding up a blindfold.

Jungkook was mildly surprised but took the blindfold anyways, chucking softly, "I mean, this is fine but I figured we would do this back at my place-"

"Shut up you dork." Taehyung cut him off, but the younger noticed the small smile on his lips and the pink dusting his cheeks.

The fabric was soft on his face and Jungkook held his hands out instinctively in front of him. "So what's the plan now?"

He felt Taehyungs hands take his own before being tugged gently forward, most likely into the house and towards the kitchen. The smell of cooking food was a give away. "Stand there." Taehyung whispered quietly, really really close to his ear.

"So you may be wondering why Jungkook is now in the kitchen with a blindfold on," Taehyung spoke, most likely to the camera which is what Jungkook deducted using his common sense.

"I won something." he said.


"You won something?" he tried again.

"No, shut up." Taehyung said. "Let me talk."

Jungkook held his hands up in defense and then sighed, there wasn't much to do besides sway back and forth and blink continuously only to see nothing. "Anyways, Jungkooks gonna be my guest for Jins series. Partly because I think he'll do most of the talking since he likes hearing his own voice," Taehyung paused to look over at Jungkook who was feigned mock hurt.

"That's harsh Tae." he said with a shake of his head.

"And because I thought it would be fun." Taehyung finished. "I'm going to show you what to do but please don't be dumb."

Jungkooks arm shot out and he made grabby hands, "Give me a knife I'm a pro." he declared.

Taehyung just shook his head and tried not to laugh too much, the younger didn't need that much encouragement. "Sorry Koo, not today." Instead of a knife, Taehyung handed him a wooden spoon and pushed him gently to towards the stove, "I need you to stir this gently while I work on some other stuff. It can't burn and if it starts to stick to the bottom of the pan let me know."

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