thirty one.

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By the time wednesday came around Jungkook finally felt like going to school. It was all normal and met his expectations of usual boredom, especially in calc class and physics, since most of it was helping Taehyung and Jimin finish the work that he wasn't around to give them answers for.

Sometimes he feels like he does more of their work rather than his own. It was a little stressful, and Jungkook never dealt well with stress. This led him to skip out on the end of his photography class before lunch when everyone started working on their projects.

The hall was empty as Jungkook walked towards the exit doors leading to the courtyard.  He pulled out his camera and started filming, his boots contrasted against the white tile of the hallway and echoed nicely, only panning up once he had to push open the door.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the breeze made it seem colder than it really was. Jungkook finally turned the camera to face himself, only glancing at the view finder for a moment to make sure he was in frame. "Sometimes I wonder if my teachers see my videos," he said, pausing to rub his eye and brush some of his bangs away from his face, "because then they'd know how often I skip their classes."

The ravenette turned the camera back around to take a shot of bushes and flowers in the courtyard, hoping he'd remember to layer some music over the parts where he isn't talking.

The cafeteria was empty, and would soon be flooded with students in ten minutes. Jungkook went to sit at his usual table and set the camera down while he pulled out his food. He had actually taken the nutella jar from Jimins house when he crashed there last night.

When the bell rang Jungkook smiled at his camera before stopping the footage and putting  it away, he wasn't the biggest fan of filming himself in public, that's why he always dragged Jimin along.

"Where did you go?" was the first thing Jimin asked, walking up to their table with Taehyung at his side.

Jungkook glanced up and finished chewing the pretzel he had eaten, "I got bored." it seemed like a justified answer.

"Is that the new policy for skipping class and getting away with it?" Taehyung asked, an obvious note of sarcasm in his deep voice.

It was natural to return the sarcastic tone, Jungkook quite enjoyed playfully bickering with the elder. "Yeah you must have missed the change while you were prancing in France."

"Prancing," he laughed lightly, sounding rich with the deepness his voice reached.

The two boys sat down across from the youngest and Taehyung proceeded to steal snacks from Jimin, who was far to kind to ever tell him to stop. "Did you guys get a lot of editing done?" he asked instead.

Taehyung and Jungkook both nodded, "I even kept your explosion effect." the older of the two said, smiling over at the pink haired boy.

"Sweet," Jimin grinned, sliding over a whole bag of chips to Taehyung in thanks.

"Are you filming anything this week?" Taehyung asked, looking over at Jungkook who was still busy with his nutella, "We edited a few videos but i don't know your schedule and what goes up in your channel when."

The youngest nodded and held his hand over his mouth while he spoke, "I always film when I can, plus there's this karaoke place that Jimin likes to go to on fridays."

There was a gasp and Jimin was suddenly the happiest boy on the planet, "Are you really finally giving in?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. He's been begging for Jungkook to go with him after being there with Hoseok and the two laughed their asses off all night.

Jungkook nodded and Jimin jumped in his seat, "It's your birthday soon anyways." the youngest said with a smile.

"Shit you're right." Jimin said.

"So we film a little and then party." Jungkook said, screwing the lid back on the nutella jar and sliding it over to Jimin, "And give that back to your mom, she was a sweetheart letting me take the whole thing."

Jimin playfully glared at his friend and snatched he nutella jar back, "You practically ate it all whats the point."

"Manners?" the ravenette tried. It was a thing Jin had tried to teach him but he always got distracted.

"Anyways," Taehyung interrupted, "What time are we on for friday?"

i started an ab workout

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