forty eight.

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Jungkook didn't go to school again on Wednesday. He made it about halfway there and then took a right towards the city mall instead. There was already a missed phone call from his mother and he knew she'd be telling him to get there on time. Today wasn't going to be the day.

He quickly texted Jimin and Taehyung where he was, the difference in replies was amusing, a simple 'okay' from one and then and angry paragraph from the other saying how he needs to shape up his act and stop acting like a child. This angry paragraph was followed by some heart emojis and 'i'll miss you in physics.'

Jungkook chuckled and shoved his phone into his back pocket before jumping out of his jeep and exiting the parking garage.

There was a home department store here and Jungkook was hoping to buy some things to help him with his shoot at Jin's today.
He quickly found the kitchen section and noticed a bunch of aprons in various colors. That would look good.

Jungkook pulled out his phone again and found the right name in snapchat, all while going through the aprons to find a good color.



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A few minutes later, he had grabbed two aprons and made his way to checkout. They were going to look cute as hell later on. That better earn him some more points.

"Thank you." he smiled at the cashier before taking the bag and walking throughout the mall. A few things caught his eye in the windows and he couldn't help but get them. Jungkook was a big sore loser and would do whatever to gain some extra points.

He ran into a few fans and took a few photos before decided maybe it was time to head over to Jin's. His guest had already graduated so they didn't have to wait for the other to be out of school.

By the time Jungkook drove Jin's house and got the gate code right, it was a little past noon. "Are you not in school again?" Jin frowned seeing the younger boy enter his home without knocking and make himself comfortable.

"I have big plans, I need to start early." Jungkook said. It seemed like a good enough excuse for him.

Jin scoffed, "Yeah I know, I went shopping for it all and left my wallet at home. Poor Joanie had a heart attack looking at the receipt since he had to pay." he said.

Jungkook gave his hyung a big hug before going to the kitchen and opening the fridge. "I'm making enough for you all."

"When's your help getting here?" Jin asked, taking a seat on one of the stools.

There was a ring at the door and Jungkook turned around, "That should be him."

Namjoon came walking down the stairs at that moment and glanced at the front door, the glass showing who it was and making him frown. "How many people know our gate code Jin?" he asked.

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