seventy seven.

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Whatever character building/conflict was going through his head only added to the stress he was feeling all night. Jungkook couldn't decided if he should just skip classes again today or actually move his ass.

Classes were boring, they weren't helping him, but he knew the real issue was with the confrontation he wanted to avoid.

Jungkook stood looking in the mirror with his backpack on his shoulders and his shoes on. The conflict came when he stood with only his boxers, the only thing keeping him from leaving for school.

"You're fucking dumb." he mumbled to himself, finally sucking it up and going to tug on a pair of jeans.

Ten minutes later he was sitting in the parking lot and watching students flood into the school gates. Jimin had texted him at some point during driving but he didn't feel like looking at it yet.

It may have seemed unreasonable, to be this bothered over what he saw with Taehyung, its not like they were dating or anything. Jungkooks never had any real experience with boys and feelings and trying to figure things out, but he's pretty sure if you do all that with one guy it's kinda shitty to do the same with someone else at the same time.

The city was different than back home in Busan, people here were more confident with themselves and their ability to flirt with strangers. Jungkook experienced all this when Jimin took him out for his first night in Seoul, the amount of people flirting with him sent him back so fast to his apartment with fastfood and his camera. That was the first night he also filmed a video with Jimin, and knew he'd keep him around for a while.

He looked for his shorter friend as he walked into the school and headed to the math building. He'll text him back in homeroom.

Jungkook walked into the classroom and could see the brunette in his peripheral vision. His stomach sank and he knew he couldn't walk back there and sit behind him for a whole hour. There was an empty seat at the front, and Jungkook took his chances to slid into it.

"You're usually not up this far in the row." a semi-familiar voice said, causing Jungkook to look up and recognize the girl from yesterday.

"Hyuna." he said dumbly, "Uh, yeah I just thought I should pay attention more."

She nodded with a little laugh before sitting down in her seat next to his. Another girl came walking and glanced at Jungkook, he recognized her to be the girl that usually sits here. "Can I borrow your desk for a little while?" he smiled softly up at her, "You seemed sweet enough, I didn't think you'd mind." he watched her cheeks flushed and her hair bounce as she nodded, walking past them and to the back. "Wow, nice." Hyuna said.

"What?" the ravenette glanced to his right with a crooked smile.

Hyuna just returned his gaze with a curious look, "Nothing," she said, a slight shrug before looking back at her binder, "How long do you plan on avoiding your boyfriend?"

Jungkook froze at her words and scoffed, "Hes not, my boyfriend." he whispered the last part.

The two held each other's gaze, testing each other until it gradually turned into a staring contest. Jungkook sadly lost. "Whatever," he mumbled, ignoring her triumphant smile stretching over her red painted lips.

"Hey," he started, thinking about her words and how she had to know who Taehyung was. "Do you watch my videos?" he grinned, he always liked meeting people who enjoyed his content.

Hyuna just looked at him quickly and bit the inside of her cheek. "No, the girl who sits here doesn't shut up about you." she said.

Jungkook just nodded, "Of course."

"I mean did you see her blush when you just looked at her?" Hyuna continued, "Not that your videos are bad, I'm sure I'd like them if I watched them."

The younger boy missed the last part she said, he was too busy trying to distract himself from everything his channel brought. "Did my look not make you blush at first?" he glanced over at her and studied her features.

Hyuna leaned over and held his gaze, before whispering a quiet, "Nope, sorry kid."

"Please, will my lovely students in the front stop flirting and distracting everyone else." Mr. Tran said, walking into the classroom as the bell rang to start the day. "Mr. Jeon, its great to see you so close to my desk."

"I'm really happy to spend this time with you." Jungkook said with a smile way too dramatic.

"That makes one of us." Mr. Tran returned the smile and finally addressed the whole class, "Please take out your notes from last lesson and finish the problem we didn't get to." he instructed, pulling out some worksheets from a folder and handing them to Jungkook, knowing very well he wasn't here.

"Remember to take the derivative for optimization." Mr. Tran said, "And Mr. Jeon if you need help feel free to ask your classmates, but hold off on the flirting until class it over." he gave a pointed look over to Hyuna who looked back down at her own work.

Jungkook just nodded and forced a smile, "Will do." he mumbled.

A desk was pushed back and footsteps sounded up the aisle, the brunette walking towards the door at a quick pace to leave that room as soon as possible. "Mr. Kim." the teacher called after him, only getting a closed door in response.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung stormed out of the room and felt his stomach sink. The guilt pooled in his stomach and he almost wished he sat in his normal seat and offered the boy a pencil and continued doodling to show him every time he turned around with a question. But he remembered what the older boy did behind him back, and what he could have been doing with that girl behind closed doors.

At least Jungkook was man enough to do it in front of him.

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