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It didn't take long for Jungkook to roll out of beg and tug on a hoodie that was laying around on the floor. He was already in sweatpants and didn't bother to dress nice or anything. It was later that same day that he went to the diner with Taehyung and Jimin, and one of them had abruptly left.

Jungkook went home and quickly posted the video, knowing very well it should have been filmed earlier in the week and already edited in order to keep up with his uploading schedule.

"Took you long enough." Jimin said once Jungkook had made it down the stairs of his apartment building and spotted the blonde sitting parked on the side of the road.

"Did you want me to come down here naked." Jungkook shot back once he was in the passengers seat.

The shorter boy slowly looked over at his friend, "We will have none of that in this vehicle young man."
The ravenette just nodded and suppressed a small laugh, clicking the seatbelt before Jimin sped off down the road with his heavy foot.

Ten minutes and four girlgroup songs later, the two boys were walking up the driveway of their eldest friends home. It was a nice sized house, big for just one person to live in with their three guinea pigs, but Jin had to have the one house in the city with the best kitchen.

"Welcome to mi casa!" Jin yelled from somewhere in the house once the two boys entered without knocking. Their tall friend came walking around the corner with drinks in his hands in fancy glasses. "We welcome you."

"We?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow, but took the drink instead and looked at the pretty pink color of it.

"Yes, we." Jin clarified, and as if on cue, a big plastic ball came rolling by. "You remember princess, sasha, and little joonie." The three guinea pigs were beyond adorable and the only things Jin loved more than his boyfriend and his expensive French silverware. Jungkook is still keen on stealing one of the spoons that is apparently gold plated.

"Sasha Fierce!" Jimin yelled before running after one of the guinea pigs making a get away in the plastic ball. He was also a little obsessed.

"Anyways," Jungkook watched the blonde boy disappear around the corner, "I heard we're having waffles."

Jin nodded and sipped his own drink, turning and walking through the entryway to get into the kitchen, which was left very open and connected to the big living room. There were large windows that left a view of a small backyard and some hedges to keep it private.
"I also wanted to talk to you and Jimin about some video ideas I have."

"Anything to make money."
Jin glared at the young boy.

"I mean anything to spend time with my favorite hyung."

The oldest boy nodded and sipped his drink, "That's what I thought." He turned and walked around the kitchen island, where many things were laid out ready to be used. Jungkook didn't know there was that many ingredients in making waffles, but he was more surprised at how organized someone can be, despite coming over all the time to be fed. For a moment he considered what his room could look like if he kept it less messy. That only lasted a second.

"Hey Jin?" Jimin said, his voice soft and echoey as he walked into the kitchen from the living room.

"Yes little one?" Jin asked, crouching down to pull something out from the cabinet.

The blonde pulled out a stool at the island to sit next to Jungkook, throwing a glare at the oldest, "Okay that was patronizing. I came for waffles not bullying."

Jin stood back up and set a waffle iron down on the marble countertop of the island. "Sorry, what did you want?"

"Can I take some of those soaps in your guest bathroom?" he asked.

Jungkook looked over at his friend, "Why would you want to take his soaps? Out of everything you could seal in this house."

That earned him a suspicious glare from the oldest of the three, "I have cameras kid," Jin directed at Jungkook, "And yes you can Chim."
Jimin smiled happily and swung his feet while he sat on the stool.

"So what are these video ideas?" Jungkook decided to ask.

Jin nodded and grabbed a bowl to start mixing ideas, expertly creating a batter while listing off things he wants to post on his channel and what he wanted the two younger boys to do, smiles on their faces and occasional comments tossed back and forth resulting in little laughs. The three friends joked and talked and didn't worry about much, until it came to who could lick the waffle batter spoon.

bro i have actual plot i promise
i just need to build it up and i don't
want my story to be "i saw his face
and now i'm in love 🥰🥰"
like bro no that's not how it works
theyre gonna actually not rush
i hope you enjoy it so far!!

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