seventy eight.

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It's been like this for nearly a week. The avoiding each other was getting really old but neither boy knew how to handle the issues on their own end.

Jungkook wanted to talk to the boy and just apologize and go back to how things used to be. He could suck it up if Taehyung really wanted to be with that girl, he missed his friend. And he really hated editing by himself.

Taehyung was just digging a deeper hole for himself. He knew he was making mistakes everyday and he didn't want to drag the younger into his problems, ones he hasn't been able to shake for months.

The only person who had some sense of logic was stuck between the two. Jimin hated seeing his two friends like this, they didn't talk and one was always missing when everyone hung out. Usually is was Taehyung who would show up late and that would only make Jungkook suddenly tired and needing to go home to feed the cat. The poor animal must be huge if he was fed every time the ravenette used that excuse.

"Maybe you should talk to him." Jimin offered, laying across the bed and staring at the ceiling.

It was friday night and the two boys were at Jins house. Jungkook needed to upload something, he was falling behind and running out of backup videos he hadn't uploaded yet.

"You're the one that told me not to." Jungkook said, looking over his shoulder at the boy before going back to setting the camera up on the desk.

Jin came walking in with the art supply bucket and set it on the desk. "These are all the markers and crayons I could find, Joonie is looking in the basement." he said.

"Thanks, that's perfect really." Jungkook said. It was just going to be a chill video, they would draw and talk and probably turn into some challenge about who was a better artist.

Jungkooks hand was looking better and scarring nicely, the stitches had to come out soon and he was just hoping the pinkness would go away and just leave some nice jagged scar behind.

"I know that's what I said," Jimin was still talking about the previous topic, "I just-" he paused and tried to sort his thoughts, "He didn't want to really hurt you."

"Shouldn't he be the one saying this." the younger mumbled.

Jimin sighed, he couldn't stop thinking about that day at the cafe. The look on Taehyungs face and the way he was so angry at him. He couldn't get rid of the guilt for being the person to make all that happen. "It's not really his fault." he whispered.

Jungkook finally stood up from the chair to face his friend, his jaw clenched and Jin suddenly felt like it was his time to leave the room and let the two hash it out. "Why are you defending him all of a sudden?"

"I'm not defending anyone." Jimin sat up and clarified, "You're both my friends, Im not shit talking one to make the other feel better."

The raventte could feel his pulse quicken, so he crossed his arms over his chest and tired to take a deep breath. He had no energy to be mad, to be sad, to be anything right now besides focused on his work.

"Taehyung was trying to end things with her." Jimin explained, it was the truth. The shorter boy finally stood up from the bed and walking over to his friend, "He wanted to talk to her to end what they had, it's not that easy to get over a first love you know."

Jungkook laughed lightly and took a step close to his friend, there was a slight smile on his face that confused Jimin. "He was trying to end things?" Jungkook said, stepping closer to his friend and moving his hands to the boys hips, "Like this?" he said, holding the boy the way he remembered Taehyung touching the girl.

"Jungkook-" Jimin tried but was cut off by the youngers sudden movements to push him against the wall by the desk.

"Is this how people end things?" Jungkook whispered, his mouth close to Jimins ear and brushing his earlobe so softly with his lips. "Remember our first night out in Seoul?" he continued, bringing up their summer break and their meeting in the bar that turned into flirting remarks and roaming hands under the countertop.

"I remember." Jimins voice sounded weak, just the way his knees felt. It was wrong, it was all so wrong to be doing this and being so close to Jungkook, the thing they said goodbye to when they promised one another to try and be better instead of using each other.

The raventte just hummed and finally pulled away from his hyung, loosening his grip in his hips and taking a step back. "I guess I can't really be mad at him anymore." Jungkook said.
"He's stuck on her the way I'm stuck on him." he scoffed and pulled the desk chair out once again, "Pretty fucked up isn't it."

Jimin just nodded and finally walked back over to the bed, crawling on top of the sheets and hugging one of the pillows. He really just wanted to sleep now and hopefully wake up to everything being fixed.

The boy pulled out his phone and quickly sent a text to their hyung, telling him to come back in and that Jungkook was ready to film.

He laid there for the rest of night and listened to his two friends talk about random things and suddenly laugh out loud at the others drawings most likely. Jimin listened, occasionally smiling at the sound of the raventte laugh. It wasn't a truth genuine laugh, but it was getting there, and Jimin was happy.

the angst will be over soon
i like fluffy taekook

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