thirty six.

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That saturday the ravenette was bored beyond belief, it wasn't a surprise that he was knocking on his best friends door to bother him instead of sitting alone at home.

"Open the door faster." Jungkook said, hit knuckles hitting the wood a few more times. He knew the boy was probably getting dressed or quickly cleaning up after his boyfriends visit from earlier.

A sigh left his lips and he leaned against the wall as he waited, pulling his phone out to scroll through social media. Jungkook had wanted to hang out with Taehyung some more, convince him to come over for some more editing that would hopefully just be them talking all night. The older apparently had plans and left pretty quickly at some late mornings hour.

"Okay come in, jesus." Jimin said, swinging the door open and brushing his wet bangs from his forehead. Jungkook noticed the dark color to his friends hair and smiled, tugging on a strand gently as he passed the boy, "Nice hair."

"Oh, yeah," Jimin smiled and subconsciously brushed the newly dyed black hair back, "thanks, it's too much work keeping up with light hair."

"Says the one that's always blonde." Jungkook chuckled, kicking his shoes off and setting his backpack down on the floor.

Jimin just laughed lightly and walked further into his apartment, "So did you come to edit?" he asked, gesturing to the backpack that his friend had brought.

The ravenette just shook his head and followed his friend, "No, it's a habit carrying it around."

The two grabbed a bunch of snacks from the pantry and made themselves comfortable in the older bed. Pillows were stacked around them with eight blankets piled and snacks to decorate the furry fabric. "What should we watch?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook shrugged and leaned back against the headboard, the bag of twizzlers already almost gone before they even decided on a film. "Is rupauls drag race on netflix?"

With a sigh, Jimin shook his head, "Sadly not." He ended up picking an animated film, some rabbit that steals from a mans garden too many times and seems to want to die.

They ended up talking too much to actually hear the film, the snacks were forgotten a while ago when barely any were left. "So why aren't you hanging out with Taehyung?" Jimin asked, "You guys have been busy at work this past week."

The younger just shrugged and swung the twizzler around a bit, "He said he was busy."

"Busy," Jimin scoffed, "I know what that means."

"What does it mean?" his interest was peaked at that, obviously it had to mean more than what one would usually think.

The newly dyed boy just traced random patterns on the blanket and sighed, "It's just a long story with him, and busy it just an excuse, that kid never has plans if it doesn't involve france or italy or some other thing far from here." Jimin said with a shrug. It didn't seem like a topic he liked to discuss, but Jungkook was never one to notice when he was pushing.

"Does it involve that girl?" he asked, "she texted him last night and he got upset."

Their was a slight shift in Jimins mood, he didn't seem in the mood to talk about it, but the younger boy couldn't stop the curiosity. "She's the reason he fled to France." he admitted, "I know it's not really my place to tell you Kook, but I think you need to know so you can avoid this."

"Avoid what-" but Jungkook was cut off by the shorter boy with a single look.

"Jungkook," he started, "I love you, really I do, but you crush on anything that has a pulse. Plus, Taehyung is hot and if I wasn't already whipped and had known him in diapers, I may have crushed on him too."

The ravenette just scoffed and aggressively bit off another piece of the twizzler, hoping the dimmed lights hid the tint to his cheeks. "Whatever, just continue your storytime."

"It's not much, just that he has this issue getting over her. She has this hold on him," Jimin shook his head and stole his friends twizzler, "you can't forget your first love that easily, people are lucky if they love them back."

They sat in silence for a minute, one was angrily chewing a stolen twizzler while the other just opened the bag to get another for the older boy.

To change the subject quickly, Jungkook actually paid attention to whatever movie was playing now before laughing and nudging his friend beside him, "Dude the fat kid just fell into the river but his mom is too busy dancing."

It thankfully worked, cracking a smile out of the recently pouting boy who looked up and laughed as well, "That's totally hobi hyung dancing when anything bad in the world happens."

After that it became better again, normal like always with the two laughing and joking each other until one couldn't breath and the other was suddenly genuinely concerned. They were both happy, and intending to stay that way.

i have my college orientation
monday and tuesday so hopefully
i can update a bunch before that

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