Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I was awoken to Kevin's shouting.

I groaned, opening my eyes. Well I know Kevin isn't yelling at me. I sighed, getting out of bed. He ain't even in the damn bedroom.. 

I groaned, stretching. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I frowned at how sore I felt. Not how I wanted to wake up feeling.. 

I slowly walked out of the bedroom, dragging my feet towards Kevin's screaming.

At least Mike doesn't have to listen to his daddy's scream.. It's terrifying. 

I stared at Kevin as he held onto the blue underwear tightly in his fist.

"I told you bitch last night to get your damn things and leave!" He shouted.

"How fuckin' stupid are you?!" Kevin yelled, throwing the underwear on the ground.

I sighed, crossing my arms. 

Kevin placed one hand on his hip as he paced around the living room.

"I don't care how late you were because we all know this was a ONE TIME THING!" Kevin shouted louder.

I gulped, feeling myself start to shake.

Kevin flared his nostrils, "I ain't leaving my girl for you." Kevin quietly said.

I let out a small smile. That's sweet... 

"We have a damn son together, you think I'd leave her? NO! I've had women in my life and I may love her but she brings me joy with what she brings home to me.." Kevin lowly said.

"Like what? LIKE WHAT?! Bitch, I don't need to tell you what she has in her that you don't. I only needed you cause of your body." Kevin said.

I stared at him with disgust.

"The next time you come here take your damn things with you.." Kevin lowly said as he hung the phone up.

Kevin's head snapped towards my direction, "Morning, baby." Kevin softly said, planting a small kiss on my cheek as he walked into the bedroom.

"Did you have breakfast alr-"

"Yup, I'm late for work actually.." Kevin said, putting his shirt on as he walked past me again.

"Oh, alright.." I quietly said.

"I have to work late again, baby. I'm sorry." Kevin said, pulling me closer to him by the waist.

I frowned, "It's alright, honey.. I know you have to work.. I support you." I said, forcing a smile.

Kevin smirked, "Good." He growled, kissing my lips.

I smirked, "Bye, baby.." I softly said.

Kevin smirked, walking towards the door as he opened it. "Bye." He said, walking out of the apartment.

I sighed loudly. Another day alone... Better make the most of it with Michael. I shrugged.


Michael and I sat around the couch, watching Mike giggle and play with his toys.

"How is Mike doing with his hearing?" Michael curiously asked.

I sighed, "I don't know, Michael.. Mike isn't ready to be taught anything quite yet.." I frowned.

Michael gently touched my arm, "He'll get there." He said, slipping his hand under mine as we held hands.

I blushed, "How is Neverland coming along?" I asked, looking at Michael.

Michael smiled widely, "It should be done within next year. I can't wait!" He chirped.

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