Chapter Fifty-Three

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Katherine and Joesph watched Rose as Michael and I met Debbie at the doctors.

"Nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Jackson." The doctor smiled, shaking both of our hands.

Michael and I mumbled our hellos.

"I'm Doctor Johnson. Debbie here explained to me that you two are trying for a baby and that you-" He pointed to me.

"Have HIV, correct?" He said, lifting his clipboard up.

I nodded, "Yes." I shyly said.

Doctor Johnson started writing in his notes.

"Debbie also explained to me that you both understand the risks of having a baby with HIV, correct?" He asked.

Michael and I nodded.

"Yes." We said in unison.

"Now, Mia.." Doctor Johnson looked at me, sitting on his desk in front of Michael and I.

"I'm going to explain to you both on the artificial insemination process, alright?" He slowly said.

Doctor Johnson rubbed his hands together.

"It's a very simple process but please understand that it doesn't work all the time. Some women have to take the insemination of different sperm three times before getting actually pregnant." He said.

"Basically, we're most likely going to start off by using ovulation kits, ultrasounds, and blood tests to make sure-Well.. That you're ovulating." Doctor Johnson smirked.

He looked through his notes on his clipboard and instantly glanced at me.

"It appears in your history you've been pregnant three times, yes?" He asked.

I frowned, "Yes." I sadly said.

"So getting pregnant can be rather easy for you then?" Doctor Johnson raised an eyebrow.

You could say that... 

"I suppose." I shrugged.

The doctor nodded, setting his clipboard back down.

"I suggest no sex until the insemination is done." He blurted out.

My eyes widened as Michael cleared his throat uncomfortably.

Doctor Johnson looked at Michael and I. 

"Since you two are married, I assumed you both were having safe sex.. But by that reaction, well.." He laughed.

I smirked, feeling embarrassed.

"It just increases a better chance of the insemination to work, alright?" The doctor cleared up.

I squeezed Michael's hand as he giggled softly.

"It's a very fast and simple process, Mr and Mrs Jackson. I wish you both the best of luck." He smiled.

"Mia, we're going to take your blood now, sweetheart. It's just to get a simple step done with, we want to make sure that you're capable at the moment for children." He explained, putting latex gloves on.

I slowly nodded.

Michael tightened his grip on my hand, smiling at me.

I gave him a nervous smile as Doctor Johnson rolled my sleeve up.

Two shots in different arms in one day.. 

Wow.. Record for me! 

The doctor placed the needle in my left arm, slowly taking blood from me.

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