Chapter One-Hundred and One

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"Wendy, would you mind taking Rose with you today? I've got some business to take care of." I kindly ask Wendy.

Wendy smiles warmly at me, "Of course, Mr Jackson. Do you have any preferences where I shall take the child?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Umm.." I look up.

I take my wallet out of my pocket. "Here..." I slowly tell her, grabbing a few twenty-dollar bills from my wallet.

"You two just go around. If you need more or anything, just tell them to bill me. You just treat Rose today, alright? Buy her a toy or something while you two are out." I smile.

"You can also buy yourself something as well." I smirk.

Wendy grins at me, "Thank you, Mr Jackson." She slightly bows, putting the money in her pocket.

"I'll see you and Rose later." I softly say, putting my sunglasses on.

Wendy smiles at me, "Goodbye, Mr Jackson." She waves at me as I walk out the door.


I arrive at Adjo's and Afia's home, staring at a black car that is parked outside.

Who's car is that? They didn't tell me they were expecting anyone yesterday.. 

What if something is wrong? My eyes widen as I rush inside their home.

"Ah, Mr Jackson.. So glad you could join us this evening." A man in a suit smiles at me.

I gulp, staring at Afia. "What's all this?" I softly ask, forcing a smile.

Afia stares at me. "I've made a will, Michael.." She weakly says.

My eyes widen. "Y-You did?" I quietly respond.

She weakly smiles, "Yes.. I've talked to Adjo and I've made a will." She says.

I stare at her. A will? I thought we were going to talk about this more. She isn't dying quite yet, is she? 

"Mr Jackson-" The man in a suit starts.

I glance at him. 

"When Afia passes, she grants all custody to you, Michael Jackson, and your wife, Mia Gordy. If you refuse to accept custody of Adjo, he will then be placed in the adoption system. Now Mr Jackson, I'm sure all of us here don't want that to happen, correct?" He stares at me.

I nod. I haven't even discussed this to Mia again! She hasn't called for a while.. Oh gosh, how am I going to explain this to her? 

"I understand you're American, yes?" He asks.


"When Afia passes, you'll be given a phone call that states Adjo is on his way to America. You are required to pick him up at the airport when needed. You'll have to sign a few papers, you and your wife, then the rest of his life is up to you." The man says.

I cringe. When Afia passes. That's such a negative thing to think. Even though she doesn't have much time left, I don't want to look at her like someone dying. She's still living.

I gulp, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.." I admit.

"Samuel Jordan." He forces a smile, putting his hand out in front of me.

I nod, gently shaking his hand. 

I look at Afia, "Samuel, would you mind leaving Afia and I alone for a moment?" I softly ask him.

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