Part of Me

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my ropes are tied, so take me
take dominion over again, so completely
my bitter surrender
this spiritual offender
I, the puppet and you, the marionette
I willingly pay again, the price is set
I let you consume me, only in vain
so spit me out , these wasted remains
surpassing my time and wasting it
doing with me what you see fit
I cannot let the others know
but I cannot ever let you go.

my most coveted, thorn in my side
my weakness that I feel I must hide
I love you even through the grit and grime
I hate you and yet still run to you every time
running so hard in circles, around the bend
this sick carousel, let's go round again
always ensnaring, this good that I feel
but it can't be, this fodder is not real
distracting me, leading me astray
retracting me from good, to fight another day.

invade my thoughts, a symbiote to me
that I want to go away, leave me be
taking what i want and twisting it, contorting
into things that should not be
passion turned into something else, my muse of regret
to make me feel better, my unhealthy outlet.

i cannot let you go, as you're part of me
the hardest thing to do, to not be me
to deny myself this that I want and do not
and so give in, more struggle I've wrought
ever shall I go to it, always trying to follow
to only sift through my hands
and make me feel so hollow.

somewhere there is a place for me
a place between conviction and mercy
it's always there, but I get lost
feeling that I'm paying the cost
but I cannot, will not stop trying to win
for that is my burden, my endless sin.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now