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You died with arms wide open
to embrace the world despite it's sin
I was an orphan, homeless and lost
until you took me in
this love is so unbelievably deep
for my shallow, selfish heart
my alpha and omega
that keeps me from falling apart.

This life can feel like a political campaign
filled with broken promises and empty dreams
I try so hard to see the good
but none are as ever as good as they seem
everyone talks but rarely says anything
spouting words that holds no weight
everyone has knowledge but no real wisdom
foolish actions seal their fate
everyone thinks their opinion holds such importance
yet dismiss others so easily
everyone bleeds, but won't stitch their wounds
never healing themselves completely.

Even now my words fail me,
as I 'm not sure what I'm trying to say
I'm supposed to share love with the world
but many days I just want to hide away
I can't even watch the news
because I know how they spin truth
and I hate to see so much hatred
and atrocities quite uncouth
but I can't shut the world out
I need to be with it to love it
I'm just so afraid of being led astray,
trying to be in but not of it.

You're unbelievable, that's what they say
a fantasy, some fairy tale
but I agree that you're unbelievable in another way
how you saved us all with nails
I could spend an entire lifetime
trying to figure your complexities out
but really you're simply so simple
unconditionally love is what you've brought about
I'll try to live with faith of a child
and accept that much is beyond me
and follow you through this life and more
until the day my spirit is finally free.

Sing to me some song
with melodies of truth
dance for me with grace
showing me how to move
impart in me an heirloom
of love and responsibility
shed this skin of old sin
it feels an impossibility
some days I am the shark
others I'm the minnow
just help me to ride this wave of life
in every ebb and flow.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now