So Much More

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You're unsatisfied, and you know it
you've told me and you show it
your face worn and down-trodden
your self-worth totally forgotten
why are you letting him treat you this way?
you say you'll leave him, but you always choose to stay
you're worth so much more than this.

This anger burns red within you
this bitterness festers and continues
you refuse to move or let this go
your past hurts buried, and never told
the only person you're hurting is yourself
find a way to move away from what was dealt
you're worth so much more than this

Your arrogance casts others aside
a self-entitled, swollen pride
you think you're an unbeatable force
sitting atop your mighty high horse
your ego is suffering an unquenchable thirst
yet the first will be the last, and the last wil be first
you're worth so much more than this

You make believe and rationalize
hiding behind such pretentious lies
can't face the grim reality
blinders on eyes so you can't see
you masquerade in your own world
someday it's over and this fantasy unfurls
you're worth so much more than this

I don't want to preach to you
I just want to love and reach you
with honest words put to letter
potential story of a life so much better
free from our own torment, or feeling amiss
no depending on lies, anger, pride or someone's kiss
when future was dim, seemed lost and hopeless
you were bought with a price, making you priceless
because always
forever and always
you're worth so much more than this.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now