Oh, The Sound!

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sound enters ear and intoxicates me
something sweet or raw, that I cannot see
makes me move as the most graceful swan
not even caring what's going on
fills me up and seeps in my veins
takes me away from all disdain

a warm blanket of sound that I'm wrapped in
causing tears, empathizing, with shout or a grin
absorbing soundwaves as a human sponge
giving it all back with movement of my tongue
feeling part of something, bigger than me
relating to those who here cannot be
take over my mind, body, all-encompassing
letting it all go, feeling so free

screams of injustice and anger, healing the rage
letting me out of life's boring cage
singing tender sonnets, calming the soul
not needing to be, and losing control
fingers picking strings, crunching heavily
distorting out the pain, bobbing steadily

oh, the sound! how it gets me by
quenching my thirst to never be dry
engulfing and feeding me to reap such happiness
healing all throughout to give me bliss
being everywhere and nowhere , frequencies and waves
timeless it stays with my heart to the grave
bring us together, closing the rift
thank you my Creator for blessing us with this gift

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now