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Your tongue is a spool of silk

Spinning all your lies, so many facts you hide

How do you live with yourself?

How do you sleep at night? knowing you create so much plight

Your very voice a dischord to my ears

Can't even stand the sound, like some wailing hound

How can you be you, ever so comfortably?

I wonder what temperature it reached to make your heart freeze

You became the parasite, and I was the host

You became all the things that you hated most

I can't believe I saw any good in you before

Couldn't see my own mistake, didn't recognize you were so fake

I can't believe even now I'll blame myself for this

Yet I've made myself better, you made yourself a scarlet letter

There's no point in wasting time your deaf ears

You're just a lost cause, a cold vapor in this fog.

Now you've crossed the line, hurting who I love

I'll not cry when you fall if this push comes to shove

All that scheming has rotted you, made you inside dead

All that scheming's going to heap this karma on your head

When it comes to life it's just about you getting what you want

Building up your treasures, lonely fleeting measures

Your kingdom built on things that amass to nothing

eventually slipping through your hands, flowing grains of sand

Your plots are coming 'round to bite you

I'll just say I said so, cut the cord and let it go

I'm no sadist but I hope you're taught a lesson

And the destruction you've caused forces you to confession

I've only tried to do what's right, constantly you forsake it

It's up to you to choose right, but you'll refuse to take it

I'm grown tired of praying if I'm honest, simply done

Nothing more I can do, only you can choose

I'm tired of this dog and pony show with you

Forced smiles to get along, tired of this same old song

I'm tired of your rehearsed act of smokescreens

Just be real with me for once, you're not fooling anyone

I'm tired of being tired of being tired

Because of my past emotions going astray

I'll have to deal with this in my own way.

Poetry: Symmetry and ReflectionsWhere stories live. Discover now