Your Beautiful Scars

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your wonder how long things are gonna be this way
and live life afraid, wasted away
the colors faded from your life
and everything is washed in gray

but don't despair
there is always someone there
and there will be a time for you
you will awaken from this nightmare
and realization will sink in
and you'll start thinking
about how all is not lost
and that the things that hurt you
and the things that broke you down
can be the same thing to get you back up again

Your beautiful scars
remind us who you are
they show us where you've been
and how you've come so far
they tell us your unique story
one that's not all glory
one that's not perfect
but imperfection is humanity
and humanity is beauty
our beautiful scars

and now
when you look back to then
you see a fragment of His plan
and can't help but smile
you see that He's been with You all the way
and the bad's not gone, but feels far away
and memory stays to strengthen your next day

your beautiful scars
that look like mine
remind me who I was
and how I've come so far from thine
so thank you for not hiding it
in me you have confided it
whilst in tears, I feel you've been there too
I embrace in love to comfort you
for showing your courage for what you've been through

and when the day is at its end
I know I have a friend
your story told and shared
so others won't feel so scared
because we're reminded we're not alone
in this cold world that we call home
it's better to be scarred together
than to be unscathed alone

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