So I Thought

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In the depths that I'm confined
I'm lost in my own darkness
seeking a way out but can find none
and I give up, as i was alone
and in vain, I began to crawl to find my way

desperate and forsaken I moved about
never finding anything
I thought about how
for eternity this is what i deserved
i reflected how undeserving I am of light
that nothing I do
no matter how much I crawl will get me anywhere
I give up trying on my own
and finally trusted in Him

and suddenly there was a hand on me
and I realized it was there all along
I was too numb to feel before
the hands helped me stand
and moved me
led me out from the dark abyss
into a dimly lit room

a voice spoke and told me
I was still in the same room
and the light had not changed
at first I didn't understand
I asked why i could see now
and it told me that my eyes had changed
and so I realized
my circumstances were still the same
it was me that needed to change

I refused to see the light in the room
only focused on the shadows
and so I thought I was alone in darkness
yet in my despair i learned
that He was always there
and to let Him be my eyes

suddenly tragedy became opportunity
brokenness became healing
hurting was a chance to comfort
despair had become hope
darkness was now permeated by light

and so i walk through life of a dimly lit room
and my own pain, struggles, and trials
strengthened me and taught me to trust
and now in obedience of Him I can guide
to help others find their way

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