Do dreams come true?

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Could you work it out without going crazy if one day, that apparently was as shitty as the past ones, you received a letter saying you won the fucking contest and you're going to meet your absolute idol Sarah Paulson? Yes? Well I couldn't, that's why I was screaming with all the voice I had and running all over the house again and again making my brother and parents think I was going crazy. But when I managed to stop running and screaming I told them what had just happened and that I was going to fly to New York in one month.
I could read the happiness but also concern in their smiles so I reassured them "it's going to be okay. It's gonna be the best day of my life. I'm so glad I won something so important"
"We are enormously happy for you honey but we just think it could distract you from your studies" my mother said.
"What the hell? Are you serious? It's not going to distract me from anything, it's just a couple of minutes with her and then everyone goes back to real life" I said very annoyed of them ruining the atmosphere.
"Are you really going to cross the world just for a couple of minutes with her?" she asked genuinely surprised.
"I definitely am. No doubt." I said categorically.
"Well I just hope she won't disappoint you" she finally said.
So one month passed really fast as I tried to arrange all the things I need to make my way to Sarah without any problem. Jet lag worried me the most because I had already been to America and I knew that six hours time difference were going to be really hard for me but I wasn't scared I was just delighted my dream was becoming true. The next few days before the departure were the most stressful ones: at one moment everything I wanted to do was to meet her, just wanted to congratulate for her awesome work in every movie or tv show she ever did and the other moment i was so nervous I thought I wasn't going to be able to say anything and I was so afraid to lose this chance. I was also concerned by her not really liking the painting i did for her which would have been the hardest thing that could have happened. Anyway my mind just went free by all these stressing thoughts as i heard the registered voice saying the gate was about to open in a few minutes so I immediately stood up recollecting things and thoughts, quickly texting my parents I was about to take off and I just showed my ticket to the flight attendant and she said "First Class is all the way right after that door, Miss" smiling at me politely, I was about to say thank you but then I realized what she actually said: first class? It really existed, then?
"I'm sorry, I think I didn't understand, what did you say?"
"You have a first class ticket" she started explaining to me "Really?" I asked suddenly "Sure, I'll show you your place" she said walking down the hallway and through an open door stopping in front of a seat "here you are madame" she said smiling.
I thank her and sit down, exploring the surroundings I find out I have a personal tv with headphones and a list of movies and tv shows i could choose.
So that's how you treat your fans Sarah? I thought I couldn't love you more than I already did but I swear in that moment I was literally overcoming the boundaries of love.
Thanks to her maybe I had a chance of being just a little less hit by jet-lag. And it is during the first minutes of the film from my favorite book Wuthering Heights that I fell asleep.

As I recovered my senses I asked a steward how much it would have taken to get to New York and I discover we still had a couple of hours of flight. I wish I'd slept more because now anxiety was taking over me.
What is this? I mean I have enough self confidence to consider myself intelligent and worthy but then why am I so afraid of your opinion, wether you will like me or not, wether you will like my work or not, there are so many questions spinning all over my head that I can't think clearly... But I think I'd gone too far with introspection because I was brought back to reality by a voice announcing that we were going to land in a few minutes. As I heard it I began to get nervous I could feel my stomach aching and my heart running a little faster as I was realizing I was finally going to meet you. I think I'm going out of my mind. I recollected my things and finally got down that plane in the freezing cold air of New York. Even the smell in the air was different from home, I suddenly remembered why I had left, it didn't feel like home anymore. I was small town girl, born and raised, obviously I had this craving for the big, adventurous, magical big apple but then things happened and I think I would have never come back if it wasn't for you, who could say that, you brought me back in the city I had loved and hated the most at the same time, okay then, let's see.
I felt relieved when I saw a man holding a sign with my name on it just in front of the exit of the airport standing in front of a taxi. Uh okay, a taxi Sarah, I feel more comfortable now, all that luxury wasn't for me.
"I'm sorry it took me forever to get out of there" I said as I walked to the taxi «It's me, Sylvia» I explained showing him the ticket.
"'Course, do you want me to take your luggage?" he asked.
"Oh yes, thank god you said that I couldn't drag it anymore" I replied.
"Okay here we go now" he said while jumping into the car following the frantic rhythm of the city. "Thank you" I said collapsing my body on the the back seat.
"I think I never heard so many thanks in one day, girl. Where are you from?" Said the taxi driver while looking at me from the rearview.
"Italy" I answered smiling. He was kind, and friendly, and I needed to distract myself or I could have gone crazy.
"Woow. Never been there. First time in New York?" Continued he.
I think talking is good for both of us, keeps him away from boredom and makes me forget about you, Sarah, for a little while.
"I have lived here for a few month last year and my mom is from New York"
"Oh so that's why you got something familiar in your accent" he stated. "New York's traffic is insane... I think it will take a long time for us to arrive" he said steering to avoid a long line of cars.
"It's okay" I said feeling quite sick. I didn't know why but my head was spinning and I felt weak "Is it okay if I sleep a little 'till we're stuck in the traffic? This flight was really tiring" I asked feeling sorry to quit the conversation.
"Yeah sure you must be super tired, I'll manage it" he answered back but I hardly heard him because I was slowly sinking into sleep or faint, in fact I was not so sure.
It seemed like I had been sleeping for hours but actually it was less than half an hour when the taxi driver woke me up "Here you are ready for your meeting miss, we finally did it"
I was confused and had just woken up when I heard him but then I looked around and saw the hotel where I was going to stay and where the meeting with Sarah was. I was officially panicking.
I had all my stuff being carried in a room and decided to take a shower to try and look better than someone who had spent like six hours on an airplane but I bet she's used to it. It took less than I thought it would and in an hour I was ready. The staff of the hotel walked me in a big and magnificent lounge and left me there all alone... I started feeling anxious but then I saw there was my painting in there so i got closer and uncovered it. That place was becoming to look a little more familiar now. I was staring at Cordelia's eyes, I must say that: watching it now, I really did a great work, those eyes spoke the good soul she was... and is, I'm sure she is.

First chapter of my first ever fanfiction 😂. Feel free to let me know all about the good and the bad aspects in reading this so that I can decide whether to go on with it or not because it sucks 😂😂.
Sorry for any mistake, I'm not a native english speaker ☺️🏳️‍🌈.

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