I beg you

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[1 year later: My POV]
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked B seeing her once I opened the door.
"Oh, you shouldn't be so happy to see me you know" she said in a wide smile.
"No I'm sorry... it's just I was sleeping, I was very tired, Doctor Lowen new researches and Vanessa's health problems are keeping me up all night... every night lately" I said letting her in and she just collapsed on my sofa.
"I know, but I'm still your backup contact for the police, if they can't reach you they call me-"
"Oh shit B I'm sorry I obviously didn't hear the phone-" I said trying to find it on the sofa.
"Shut up" She shushed me with her index finger raised "You're under protection and you know I can be even more protective than the police so I will always come and check on you. But it wasn't what they called for-"
"Did something happen to her? Oh my God tell me she's okay" I said feeling a harsh pain in my stomach at the thought something could've happened to Sarah
"I'm trying to tell you if you stop interrupting me" she said "I was telling you that they called to say they have him. He was hiding but they found him, he won't even need a trial because they found thousands of pictures and other 'material' that was enough to charge him for stalking you and Sarah" she finally said but I had stopped listening long before. They have him. So all that was coming to an end finally.
"Oh my god... it's over, it's over... like really over, forever" I looked at B with my eyes full of tears.
"Yes it is" she said hugging me tightly "you can go back to Sarah, tell her everything you'll have the happy ending you deserve"
"I can't do this" I whispered and she looked at me like I was crazy "I cannot do this B, she thinks I'm dead, I deleted every social media I had just to hide from Michael, I've been living between here and the hospital and I only go out if it's necessary..."
"You were hiding because you feared for your lives, yours and Sarah's, but now there's no need to hide anymore, you have to live your life, you've already been robbed of so much time" she said trying to convince me but even though my heart was screaming 'YES, GO, YOU LOVE HER AND SHE ONCE LOVED YOU TOO' I knew I couldn't do anything like that because I couldn't get in and out of her life whenever I wanted to.
"I won't, she deserves to be happy and she cannot be happy if I keep leaving her and then coming back and I... I have to take care of Vanessa, I have to study and I want to help doctor Lowen, she asked me to go with her to an important event for the hospital with some benefactors that donated money to help her with her researches and I'm willing to go now, I'm not hiding anymore but I can't just show up in Sarah's life like nothing ever happened, She deserves a chance to be happy"
She looked at me like I was some poor lost puppy on the corner of the street but she then said "if that's what you want you can do it but remember that you deserve to be happy too, so please start living again, you've been dead for a year now it's time for rebirth" and she then caressed my hair and my cheek but her phone beeped interrupting our little moment.
"Shit it's Peter, I have to go, he's going to kill me if I'm late again"
"Uh husband on call" I said giggling.
"Future husband and... I know it's rushed because not even 24 hours ago I had accepted the fact that you couldn't be there but now that everything is different, would you mind being the bridesmaid?" She said and looked at me with puppy eyes but she didn't know that nothing could've made me happier than her asking me that so I just yelled a yes and hugged her the tighter I could.
"Uh okay hahaha I love you too, I have to go, please rest, eat, relax and think about what you want to do now that you're born again" she said disappearing behind the elevator's doors.
I was still star struck I didn't know what I wanted to do. God, I had been so selfless, I had learned not to listen to my own needs that I wasn't able to recognize them anymore.
I wanted to see Vanessa, I knew I wanted to do this, I had to give her the good news, she needed good news to start healing and feeling better.
So I dressed up and in the blink of an eye I was already in the streets it was morning but I had my eyes glued to the ground and my face hidden by my hoodie when I suddenly stopped and realized I didn't need to do it anymore, I didn't need to hide anymore. I smiled to myself and swiped the hoodie off my head and freed my curly hair out of it and it felt good, it felt finally right. No more hiding, no more stalking, no more dying, no more of all that crap.
"I have great, great news for you!" I said opening Vanessa's door.
She gave me a weird glance, seeing me happy and chatty was normal to her but she knew I did it for her and that I wasn't so happy when I was on my own.
"Well, don't make me wait!!" she said with curiosity in her eyes.
I sat next to her bed and took her hand in mine "I'm free... we're free, it's over" I said and felt my eyes welling with tears of joy.
"Oh god, you mean..." her eyes were wide open in surprise "oh my God! So we... I mean, you-"
"Shut up" I chuckled because she was so funny when she was excited and confused "I'm going to try, I can take care of you and this must matter, we're going to be a family, me and you, are you good with this?"
"Are you kidding me this would be a dream" she said
"Means we have a deal then" I chuckled.
"We sure do" she said throwing her arms around me, her hugs always felt natural and never embarrassing for neither of us.
"Wait but this also means you can-"
"Nope" i said placing my index finger on her lips "this is not gonna happen" I said and smiled just to let her think it was no big deal for me, but the truth was I died a little every morning when I woke up and she wasn't there.
"But you-"
"Oh come on she-"
"Drop it"
"I don't like you when you do the mother" she said "you should practice a little more" she made fun of me.
"Hey! That's how you'd speak to your mother?"
"It's up to you... my education I mean" she said.
"Don't act smart on me little girl" I said.
"There you are!" Doctor Lowen's voice said making me jump off the chair.
"And if you want to see me again, don't do this..." I said gasping.
"I knew the news! Blythe told me, I'm glad this is finally over and you're ready to get your life back" she smiled lovingly at me and I could tell she was relieved "but I also wanted to ask if you would reconsider coming with me tonight, I don't have a husband anymore and I really couldn't think of someone that could fit better than my fellow for that charity event, it's for our cause and you really should be there" she said and it sounded like she was begging me, like she really wanted me to go but I couldn't leave Vanessa all alone.
"I'm really thankful you sincerely think I deserve to be there but I can't leave her, she's alone and I'll have responsibilities on her..."
"Sweetheart you're not leaving her alone! She's in a hospital with plenty of nurses and doctors, I'll ask Ali to come check on her every hour if this will relax your mommy mind"
"Works for me!" Vanessa said before I could even start speaking my mind on the hundreds of things that could've happened if I wasn't there and I gave her a glare.
"Sounds like a plan! At my place and ready in one hour is it ok?" Dr Lowen asked looking at the clock on the wall of Vanessa's room.
"I have nothing to wear! Not that I usually wear fancy dresses so I should've bought one, I can't come."
"As a doctor, you suck at finding a solution to every situation..." she mocked me "I may have something that could suit you, so you're coming with me now" she grabbed my arm and literally dragged me all the way out to her car.
"Stop frantically brushing that dress you look fine" Dr Lowen whisper/yelled in my ear but I couldn't stop me from always brushing it to prevent any crease to form, this was my way to exorcise anxiety.
"I'm sorry I'm nervous, it all was really rushed, I went from zero social life on the sofa to gala event in literally no time" I sighed "I'm not sure I still know how to do this"
"Oh stop that, you did things, we did things the half of this people can't even begin to understand, they're just providing the money for us to continue doing magic... we're the ones to worship here" she glanced at me while she said that and left my side to go do the small talk she hated. But while she was talking my attention was captured by the door opening on the other side of the room, someone was probably late. With all my surprise when the figure got through the door into the room and gently handed her coat to the man at the wardrobe I saw it was Sarah.
I took like 2 seconds to actually understand it and then I felt my heart drop and sink into my stomach, she didn't notice me right away just because maybe I was the last person she thought of seeing here. She put the brightest smile on her face and gave a look around the room until she spotted Doctor Lowen and started walking in her direction until she noticed I was standing there behind her and stopped walking, I saw her jaw drop, her skin turning pale and her eyes welling up with tears, she looked like she was fainting but she just stood there in utter shock and I couldn't feel anything, all I could hear was a muffled sound and a ring in my ears, it was like I was watching all of that from outside my body because I didn't seem to have control on it.
We both just stood there not sure what we should've done but surely knowing what we had been dreaming of doing.
While we were staring at each other the people doctor Lowen was talking to left and she suddenly noticed what was happening. She ran to Sarah and gently touched her arm, like she was afraid that she could break into pieces "Sarah, she's okay...".
"I see it..." she said with a cracked voice.
And I finally snapped out of that trance because of an horrific thought, what if she's mad at me? I didn't even want to consider it so I called for all the strength and courage that I had and stepped forward in their direction. Her eyes where pinned on me, she barely blinked like I could disappear if she lost eye contact for a second. "It's okay" I said and nodded to Doctor Lowen and she nodded back and left us.
"Hi..." I said taking her hand that had been previously held by Doctor Lowen and as I looked down a tear escaped my eyes.
"My god..." she whispered and squeezed her eyes causing some tears to fall like she was finally sure I was real and she was allowed to blink again.
"I know... I'm sorry... it seems stupid to say but-" I was cut off by her hugging me so unexpectedly and with such strength that I almost fell on my back, not to mention I wasn't stable at all on those heels.
I hugged her back instantly and I finally felt like I was where I needed to be, like no time had passed from the last time I had hugged her but at the same time I knew how much I had missed hugging her for all that time.
"I missed you so much... you have no idea the hell I've been going through this last year" I whispered hugging trying to hold back the tears.
"I came to the hospital almost every day when you were sedated, I've spent hours looking at you from behind that damned glass and I couldn't touch your hands, your hair... it was tearing me apart, and the thought that I wouldn't have gotten another chance to fix things between us was killing me..." she started crying on my shoulder so I stepped back, kissed her forehead and wiped away the tears from the side of her eyes.
"It was my fault, I made you leave, that was the only thing I could do to protect you... There are things you don't know and I understand if you're mad and you don't get why I did what I did now but I can explain you everything if you let me"
"What do you mean you made me leave?" She looked so confused it broke my heart not being able to tell her everything right away.
"I had to... I asked everyone, B, Peter and Doctor Lowen to tell you I didn't want you there with me because that was the only way to protect you, to keep distance."
"Protect me from what?" She looked scared and angry and I was scared she was gonna hate me for what I had done.
"We can't talk about this here and now... this is a fundraising event"
"Yes but I want to know Sylvia, I need to know, I cried every day at least once a day for a year, the guilt for leaving you when you needed me the most was eating me alive so as soon as I knew there was a fundraising event for Doctor Lowen researches I wanted to help because I know you would've probably worked day and night for this thing and I wanted to do it for you, everything I've been doing lately I've done it thinking of you. Damn it I thought you were dead... since your friend had told me my world has completely fallen apart thinking that you were not in it anymore"
"Did Peter, Blythe or Doctor Lowen tell you I was dead?" I asked because she was so sure I was dead and believe it so strongly that her reaction when she saw me there was just like she had seen a ghost.
"Michael told me, he contacted me because he wanted to tell me that in person-"
"That son of a bitch..." I was so mad I could barely breathe right, "Sarah, it was all his fault, he was stalking us, you actually, he was insane, he made you believe I was dead so that... I don't know what the fuck he wanted given that he never tried to hurt you"
She was astonished, her eyes were wide open and her hands were contracted into fists. Everything I said just left her even more confused and I really suffered seeing her like that.
"I promise you I can explain you everything, I have the answer to every question, I can solve every doubt just not now. Right after this thing is over we're going at my place and I'll explain you everything, is it okay?" I said looking into her eyes, I felt her muscles relax and she nodded.
"Seeing you again was what I prayed for every night, even though I don't usually pray I thought there was nothing else left for me to do, so when I saw you tonight I thought that someone had listened to my prayers" she said with tears in her eyes while she caressed my cheek and I got pins and needles all over my skin for that heavenly touch.
I couldn't hold myself back anymore, I took her hand and discreetly guided her to the toilet, I let her in and then locked the door "can I kiss you?" I asked her, not really being able to wait for her to answer "I beg you" she said, and as the last word left her lips I dived right into the kiss I had been dreaming about for so long.

I'm so sorry guys i don't even know why it always takes me forever to write a chapter but I finally did it again and even though it is awfully short (I know) a lot of things have changed in my life so I wanted this chapter to be a change, a turning point, for Sylvia and Sarah too. We're so close to the end it almost hurts, I don't want this to end... let me know what you think with comments and votes 💓✨

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