It appears as though we're fucked, my dear

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My heart almost missed a beat "have you just posted it?!" I asked her but obviously she had.
"Yeah" she said nodding "I liked it, it represents you quite well" she made fun of me.
"Yeah I know I'm a kid, how do you feel about lunch now?"
"I will never say no to food" she said like it was obvious.
"Ok let's go then!"
We had lunch at a restaurant I adored that cooked all the traditional dishes and we ordered a few for her to taste, we stayed there a little more after lunch because it was warm and comfortable talking about anything and laughing about the voraciousness with which she ate desserts but then she felt guilty because I couldn't t eat them and said she didn't want to finish the cake she was eating.
"Sarah, love, it's okay I'm used to it and the fact it's not that I can't absolutely eat them, I could if I wanted to, but it's better for me to avoid eating them" so maybe I managed to make her feel less guilty because at least she finished her cake even though she was repeatedly asking if I wanted to taste it but she didn't really want me to say yes so I spent time annoying her and secretly taking pictures of her eating which where the funniest in my opinion

"Sarah, love, it's okay I'm used to it and the fact it's not that I can't absolutely eat them, I could if I wanted to, but it's better for me to avoid eating them" so maybe I managed to make her feel less guilty because at least she finished her c...

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When I got up to go to the toilet to have my insulin injection done she grabbed my hand "no please don't leave there's none apart from us, just... I don't want you to hide because you think this is a problem for me, you do not have to protect me".
"Okay..." I whispered but actually I wasn't protecting her, I was protecting myself, I felt so vulnerable every time I had to do it in front of someone.
I had it done as quick as possible and then I said "by the way I wasn't trying to protect you, but it feels weird every time I do it in front of someone else it's just like I'm letting them know I'm damaged, vulnerable."
"Sylvia" she said holding my hand over the table and she looked like she was searching for the right thing to say "you are one of the strongest people I know and only those who don't know you might think you are weak, or worse, damaged. Moreover... I have never seen you giving up in any situation because of your condition, you know the value of life better than others and this is nothing but a privilege, trust me" as she finished speaking she cupped my face to make me look into her eyes "and never again I want to hear you saying you think you're weak"
"Thank you, you always have the right words at the right time, I already was lucky to have you as my idol but now I'm literally blessed to have you in my life, I love you Sar." I hugged her tightly.
"That's just a life lesson kid, don't ever feel less worthy than you actually are" she kissed me on my forehead.
"Oh but please don't call me 'kid', you sound like my mother and it feels weird" I chuckled.
"Yeah... I know... It sounded really weird" she laughed and planted a kiss on my lips "let's go home now, I need a super hot shower" she said getting her coat back on.
But when we went out the restaurant the weather had completely changed, it was windy and snowing so hard that I could barely see. Anyway it didn't stop me from seeing a police officer standing in the middle of the street not allowing cars to pass.
"Sarah you can get in the car, I'll talk to him" I told her but she completely ignored me and held my hand while walking towards the officer.
I asked him information about what was going on and he obviously told me the road was blocked and it was impossible to drive down because the visual was completely compromised by the storm. Everyone having a place to go to should stay there the night, the others were going to be arranged in a hostel nearby.
I thanked him and went to talk to Sarah "it appears as though we're fucked, my dear" I told her and I really didn't know what to do.
"We can't go down eh?" She asked rhetorically.
"Exactly, and I don't really know where we're going to spend the night and also I don't know if tomorrow the weather will allow us to go home, plus tomorrow is Christmas Eve" I said and I couldn't catch my breath, I was just panicking.
"Sylvia keep calm okay? It's not the right time to panic now" she said holding my hand "Is there a place you know we can stay at or should we ask the officer?".
"Wait... let me do a few calls" while I was on the phone Sarah was sheltered from the snow under a balcony even though she was literally shaking and I was doing it as quickly as I could.
"I made it, hopefully we won't die today" I said and grabbed her hand.
"I love it when you're so optimistic" she managed to say before being dragged out in the storm, through a few streets and then I finally stopped in front of a door, I knocked and an old woman came out, I explained who I was and that we were blocked there because of the snowstorm so she handed me a key, once she got back inside I pointed at the door on the opposite side of the street and Sarah followed me, I struggled to open the door with my frozen and swollen hands, because I had given my gloves to Sarah, but when I managed we both got in and I closed and secured the door but my hands were starting to ache and I couldn't move them.
"Sar..." I called her and she ran towards me.
"What?" She asked kneeling beside me
"My hands..." i said looking at them "they're all swollen and red, aching and I can feel my blood pulse"
"Yeah but what can we do to warm you up?"
"There's only a fireplace in the living room, we should light it"
"Okay let's go" she said worried.
"Do you know how to do it? because I don't think I can" I said trying to move my hand a little just to keep the blood circulating.
"Of course I'll do it" she said arranging all the things she needed while I told her where to find them. Once the fire was lit up I knelt beside it to warm my hands and a few minutes later I regained a little sensibility.
"Better?" She asked sitting on the ground beside me.
I nodded "you better take your coat off it's soaked" I recommended her.
"Oh yeah, I was too busy worrying about you" she sweetly smiled and stood up to take her coat off.
I opened my arms and she cuddled her head on my chest sitting there on the floor next to the fireplace.
"Do you feel warm enough?" I asked rubbing my hand up and down her shoulders to warm her up.
"Yeah, don't worry" she answered and smiled at me.
"Ok I'm going to see if I can find some blankets or warmer clothes on the first floor, can you look on this floor?"
I gave her a kiss on her forehead before going upstairs, I don't know why I just always do it when I leave the room she's in even if I'm not going to be gone long.
Almost immediately I came to the unstoppable urge to prank her, while looking for blankets or anything that could serve us I thought about how to make a joke but since I didn't have much time to think I opted for something simple, and 'Ellen kind' of prank.
"Babe have you found anything useful?" I yelled from upstairs so that she wouldn't get suspicious not hearing a word from me.
"Nope not yet" she yelled and unconsciously she allowed me to understand which room she was in.
"Okay I'm still looking too" I yelled back and I left the room I was in because I really couldn't find anything that could suit our needs.
I walked cautiously towards the stairs trying to remember which steps squeaked to avoid them. I realized that it was better to take off my shoes to further limit any noise even if not hearing my steps upstairs would have eventually made her suspicious.
I put my shoes down at the bottom of the stairs and there I saw her  bent over a trunk to rummage in its contents, there was not much distance to separate us but she was so committed in her task that she didn't seem to have noticed my presence behind her.
Without uselessly lingering, I grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her and screaming to scare her, and from what I saw I succeeded. She crawled away from me, her eyes tightly shut as she let out her iconic frightened scream.
"DAMMIT, SYLVIA!" She screamed so loud I thought my parents could've heard her from home.
"Did I scare you?" I gasped between laughs, I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
"You scared the hell out of me, don't ever do this again or I swear I'll choke you" she said menacingly straddling me.
"Uh, choke, quite specific" I teased her "Why not just 'kill'?" I asked.
"I wanted to remind you I know many ways to 'kill' someone and I chose choke because I think this will be the most satisfying way" she said with a sparkle in her eyes. 
This made me laugh even more because, despite the seriousness with which she had said it, I couldn't stop laughing thinking about how she had screamed a minute before.
"Don't laugh at me!! Stoooop!" She shouted tickling me.
"I can't stop laughing if you go on doing this" I said laughing and gasping for air.
As I said so she stopped and leaned down to kiss me deeply "now here are your blankets" she said grabbing them and smashing them on my face. Then she got up and walked away but I grabbed her from her waist and pushed her on the sofa blocking her. "I have a sense you're mad at me babe" i told her giving her a cute look I knew she couldn't resist.
"You can bet! And don't look at me like this" she said covering my eyes with her hand.
"Don't be mad at meee" I said hugging her waist tightly and placing my head on her chest covering us both with a smooth blanket and yet we were both cuddled on the couch, she wasn't mad anymore and was now playing with my hair, we spent some time talking about whatever crossed our minds and I tried everything to make her laugh because I loved the sound of her laughter, it was so relaxing that soon I began to feel tired and not really into the conversation. The last thing I heard before falling asleep beside her was Sarah saying "sleep tight love" placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

Hey everyone! I didn't forget to post this time, I know I am terribly late but I've had some health problems to deal with so... yeah, I wasn't feeling good enough to write,or studying, or anything apart from lying in bed and sleeping all day 😂.
Anyway I'm back now with this new one and I am as always waiting for you to give me some kind of signal whether you liked it or not, feel free to comment/message me or leave a little star here.
Oh and thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who are still reading this, you're brave, I love you ❤️

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