She's crazy and I love it

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When I woke up she was still sleeping deeply, she was very tired and needed to rest. I slipped out of bed trying not to make a noise in order not to wake her up and went out of the room, grabbing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt first. As soon as I was ready nobody seemed to have woken up yet and actually it was early so I decided to cook breakfast for everyone, while I was cooking from the window I could see my cousin's house not far from ours, the children were already awake and of course they were already playing outside with our dog, even if it was December the day was sunny and warm as always and allowed them to be outdoors. My mind was completely occupied by that scene that I had not heard someone enter the kitchen until two arms wrapped around my waist from behind "Good morning sweetie" she said leaning her head against my back hugging me.
"Good morning gorgeous, did you sleep well?" I asked her rubbing her hands tied on my stomach.
"Wonderfully" she groaned "but the moment I didn't feel your warmth next to me I woke up".
"I'm sorry love, but I've made you breakfast, I wanted to bring this up in bed for you but you anticipated me" I said moving the chair to make her sit down and putting a plate at the table already prepared for everything I could find at home.
"I hope this amount of food is not only for me because honey, I'm always hungry, but I can't eat all this food" she said laughing but beginning to eat.
"Oh no we're having six more for breakfast" I answered vaguely
"What? But Sylvia you should have told me I'm in my pajama!" She freaked
"Oh they're coming in pajamas too" I added mocking her.
"Yeah really funny, who-" she was about to say but got interrupted by 6 kids and a dog rushing through the door.
"I'm sorry Sylvia they're going to wake everyone up, at least you, Sarah, are up already" my cousin said exhausted by her kids not giving her a moment to rest.
My cousin Ellen was just like a sister for me even though she was much older than me but we had been raised together and we were really close so we had almost adopted all her tribe of children.
"Nah don't worry at least Shy has someone to play with" I laughed watching my dog running back and forth with all the children.
I called them out for breakfast and almost immediately they came and took their seats but the two twins were fighting because they both wanted to seat next to Sarah and she seemed quite proud they liked her this much.
"Hey you two, are you fighting already?" I asked claiming for their attention "let's do it like that, I'm going to seat next to Sarah and you will seat on my thighs." I said sitting down and spreading my legs to allow them to settle down.
"It always ends like this" I said putting my face between the twins who happily ate the pancakes I had actually cooked for me. Sarah was laughing loud while absorbing all she could from the other Italian lessons and she seemed to have fun with the kids and my cousin also made her pretty comfortable but her laugh made me dream, so spontaneous and yet so beautiful.
"Hey girls so what are your plans for today? Sylvia don't do like you always do, show Sarah your hometown" my cousin ordered me.
"Yes sir, I will take her out for lunch" I obeyed "so baby girl go get dressed and pls don't wear anything too exposed or too light, it will be a little colder where we're going, but it's worth it" I recommended Sarah.
"Yes baby I'll be ready in a few minutes" she said, greeted my cousin who was taking the kids back home and then went upstairs. While waiting for her I cleaned everything and made coffee for my parents and grandparents that were now up and chatting while having breakfast with what I had made.
"Oh good morning everyone" Sarah greeted my parents and grandparents "and thank you again for yesterday, very much"
"Oh please don't thank us every time you see us, we love to have you here Sarah really, don't worry about it" my mother said and she really meant it. I didn't expect them to be so comprehensive about our relationship but I had to admit it was a relief not to fight with them for me and Sarah.
"Oh okay, well l'm really enjoying staying here!" She said enthusiastically.
"And you say it now that you still have to see the place I want to show you!!" I said and I was really excited to take her there because that place was an inextinguishable source of inspiration and happiness.
"Bye girls, have fun!" My parents wished.
"We will, bye I love you" I said back closing the door behind me.
"Where are we going so?" Sarah asked while fastening her seatbelt.
I started my car and made my way from the garage to the road.
"You'll see it's not far actually. But you will see a completely different thing from what you see around here" I said "because we're going up there!" I continued with enthusiasm pointing at the top of a mountain nearby with my finger.
"Oh god, I thought you were going to show me the sea" she said a little bit disappointed.
"I can assure you will see everything from up there, you will see all the sea you want because it feels like you're on top of the world and it is amazing."
"Ok you convinced me, show me this spectacular place then!"
The journey went well, without particular difficulty apart from the car that slipped slightly on the icy road. Once we were closer to the top air began to be cooler and it was a little windy and clouded but there was the same view I had always loved even from the road to the top of the mountain.
"Here we are, it is by feet from now on" I said because I couldn't go into the town with the car.
"So people actually live here?" She asked and I could understand it was nearly impossible for her to imagine because it looked like a small village from a fantasy book or a fairytale.
"Yes, well just a few elderly people, like 20 in the whole town but yes they live here." I told her "it's a small medieval village and as you can perfectly see it didn't change much from that time" I explained.
"It looks like the set of a film, it has something I have already seen" she said thoughtfully.
"And in a sense you probably have seen part of it in a few films... Aquaman, just to mention the most recent one." I told her.
"Oh really?! Was it this place??" She asked curiously and I was glad she was interested in discovering the place a little more with everything I told her "Did I miss something or you said there were just a few people here?" she said pointing at a crowd climbing up a small road.
"Yes and so it is, they're visitors like us" I explained.
"But what are they visiting?" She asked impatiently.
"Sarah?" I called for her to look at me.
"Shut up" I laughed and kissed her forehead pointing out with my hand at the reason why all those people were visiting.
When she looked she saw a square filled with pretty little wood houses selling Christmas presents, or Christmas decorations, or food and hot chocolates and then in every street beginning from that square there were plenty of tiny shops selling typical goods of the place and the people were kind, the kids ran all around playing with snow.

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