Stop that

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Once I got back home with my father he stopped the car just in front of the house and I saw Sarah sitting nervously at the kitchen table chatting to my cousin and grandma but when my mother told them we were back I saw her literally jumping off the chair and rushing outside on the porch.
I slowly got out the car I was still a little sleepy for the late night we had had and because I had to wake up unreasonably early. She just stood out there waiting for me to me to speak first but I just smiled, placed a big kiss on her cheek and hugged her. She hugged me back really tight but then she suddenly asked "A-are you okay so?" Her voice shook more then I expected, God she was really so nervous.
"Yes, it looks like I actually am fine, don't be so worried honey" i backed out a little bit to look at her while stroking her puffy cheeks. I saw relief in her eyes and she genuinely smiled finally. Before I could say anything else someone called for Sarah's help inside and she whispered "I'll be right back, sorry" she kissed my cheek quickly and ran inside.
Well I am so glad you all get along so well, it's such a big problem solved.
I sighed dropping my tired body on a chair hit by the warm sunlight, I closed my eyes letting the sun caress my skin.
What is it? What's wrong with me then? I know there's something... but my chat with myself was interrupted by a noise of wheels on the dirt road. I gave my eyes a few seconds to get used to the bright light but when the person finally got out of the car I gasped in surprise.
I hugged him and briefly asked him what he was doing there, we hadn't seen each other since I had left for the famous three days in New York that actually turned into a few months. I couldn't help but smile I hadn't realized how much I had been missing him until that moment. We were out in the sun catching up but then my mother saw him and called us inside because my parents wanted to say hi.
I took his hand and guided him inside.
We talked a little bit with my parents, his arm on my shoulders as he was much taller than me when Sarah came to the room we were in her bright smile quickly changed into something else and I was sure this wasn't anything good so I called for her to come over.
She confidently walked into the room stopping next to me encircling my waist with her arm which made Luca quickly move his arm from my shoulder and my cheek burnt red.
"What's up babe?" She asked looking at me and then at him.
"Sarah I wanted you to meet Luca, we've been friends since we were kids as our parents were also really close friends" I introduced her to him and he soon adapted to language shift as we had been talking with my parents in italian "it's a pleasure to meet you Sarah, Sylvia told me about you before, I'm really happy for you both" he said looking like a real gentleman but I knew inside he was freaking out and I didn't miss my chance to point this out.
"He's just acting... He's actually going crazy at this very moment. In fact he was the one who made me watch American horror story for the first time. He's a huge fan of yours too."
"Oh that explains everything" Sarah laughed finally relaxing, her cheeks blushing for how protective she had been over me. "Well, it's my pleasure to meet you Luca, and I probably owe you something if that's really how it went we wouldn't have met without you"
"You owe me only the happiness of my best friend, I am really glad you two are together now" he said smiling shifting his eyes from me to Sarah in excitement but then he decided to return me the favor. "She was such a fan girl... you know when we used to watch the episodes together she used to make some awkward suffocated screams every time you appeared on screen" he whispered in her ear thinking I couldn't hear him.
"Oh my..." Sarah couldn't even finish the sentence that she bursted into an hysterical laugh which soon made her face turn red and little tears filling her eyes. They were both just there laughing at me!
"You two are the worst people in the world"
"You love this two people more than your own life" Luca said trying to stop himself from laughing "but I like to see you didn't change even though you have been living without me for months" he said nudging me.
"We spent so much time together that I couldn't change even if I wanted to"
"I know. Anyway now I really have to go but you won't get rid of me so easily. What about catching up with the others tonight?" He asked.
"Uhm i think we're free, so..." I winked at him "That's a bicchierini night I've signed then?"
"Luckily you haven't lost good habits!!" He yelled and I slap him on the back of his head.
"Be quiet! I don't want my parents to know what we used to do when we were 16" I scolded him and he laughed, greeted me and sarah and left.
"So who are these 'others'?" Sarah asked me "and in fact why I didn't have any idea of who he was?" She sounded disappointed.
"I know I should have told you about him but there was never the opportunity..." I tried to make up an excuse.
"I was about to punch him in his face when I saw his arm around you" she honestly said.
"Not to mention the look you gave him... I thought you could have killed him just by looking at him" I laughed at her.
"I was just making it clear that you are already mine and nobody else" she seductively said grabbing my butt.
"Hey you two little lovebirds, lunch is ready!" My brother called just in time to ruin the moment. I bit my bottom lip, then grabbed her hand and guided her to the dining room.
We ate happily chatting with the rest of the family, there was the usual noise of children and chatter among adults but everything was perfect anyway. It would have seemed the perfect family that you see on TV but the tension between me and Sarah had never disappeared. Yes, sexual tension, there was so much that I thought I could cut a slice on my plate along with the rest of the lunch that I had barely tasted.
She was always teasing me playing footsie under the table with me until her foot reached my knee and then my inner thigh and I couldn't help but jump a little on the chair, hoping none had noticed I slowly looked up at her and she had a smirk on her face.
Stop. That. I mimed but she acted like she hadn't understood.
She pushed her foot a little further between my legs and before I could hold it back a sigh escaped my lips.
"What you don't like granny's cookery anymore?" My grandpa asked me.
"Oh my god, never. I'm just full, so full" I said leaning my back on the chair rubbing on my stomach to convince him. As I said so I saw Sarah desperately trying to hold back laughter and hopefully she would have given up after this humiliating moment, in fact she pulled her foot off my chair back to where it should have been right from the start.
Jesus, Sarah... I know it's Christmas Day and I shouldn't say so but... JESUS, SARAH. It's already hard enough to resist but you make it a torture. I was internally screaming.
Right after a flush lunch my father and grandfather were fast asleep on the sofa my mother and grandmother were in the kitchen washing the dishes, the kids were out playing so I proposed Sarah if she wanted to go to the beach, it would probably have been cold but we could stay in the car. She asked my mother if it was okay if we went and she proposed to drive.
"What? You won't drive my car, I'm fine I can drive by myself" I said and I was pretty fed up by all this attention.
"Just promise you'll tell Sarah if something happens and tell her to call us immediately, promise?" My grandma asked searching for a compromise.
"Well, ok, whatever... I promise" that said I grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her out of the door.
"Are you ready? you're going to see something magical" I asked while starting the car.
"I was born ready baby" she asked and clapped her hand in excitement.
I love to see her happy, I never want to upset her like I did until this moment. I thought to myself but unfortunately I was staring at her like sometimes happened.
"Hey you creep, just drive!" She laughed and I regained control over my body and mind.
A 10 minutes car ride and we were already almost there, she hadn't removed her eyes from outside the window, analyzing every tiny little detail in the landscape that every now and then was a new thing to me too.
When we finally got there the sun was still quite high allowing us to warm up under its rays.
We got out of the car and I sat on a wall opposite the sea while she was laying down with her head on my thighs.
"This is beautiful, and it's December I don't know how much better it gets in summer" she said adjusting her head and covering her with her sunglasses.
"You could come and see it... I can promise its worth the journey"
"I know, I'm sure it's worth it..." she said but stopped living the sentence unfinished.
"But...?" I said moving some strands of hair from her face.
"I promise I will do anything to have a little time to be together this summer ok?"
"Uuhm... Yes, it's a start" i said making her giggle.
"You're a nut-cause" she said.
"You made a mistake with me then..." i teased her.
"the most beautiful mistake and the one I will never regret" she whispered caressing my cheeks and I instantly shivered.
"Uh that's kinda cold out here now" I said to let her think I had shivered for the cold "I'm getting in the car honey, it's too cold" I said.
She stays out a little to take a picture at the sunset and with the vision of her in front of the sunset I felt so at peace the I had a silly smile on my face.
"Uhh this one's good!" She said scrolling through the picture she had taken "Oh my... this is beautiful! This place makes me a pro photographer" she said smiling happily.
"Let me see!"

"Whoa! That's beautiful, really dramatic

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"Whoa! That's beautiful, really dramatic. You have talent indeed" I sentenced pretending i knew what i was talking about.
"I may post it later... Maybe tag you?" She asked.
"I'm not even in the picture!" I said even though I knew that a simple excuse wouldn't stop her.
"But I would never have taken this picture without you" she replied, and it was a fair point but anyway I didn't want my phone to crazily start buzzing like last time.
"Ok we'll think about it later now come here..." she said grabbing my shirt pulling me closer to her on the back seat of the car, she looked into my eyes for a second, biting her lower lip as if she was considering what to do so I grabbed her face and pulled her into a deeper kiss. Our tongues explored each other's mouths, sweet quiet moans escaped from our mouths as our bodies pressed together.
But in the car? really? we're not teenagers anymore.
Fortunately before I completely lost my mind after her kisses an idea flashed in my mind "Wait wait" I said and she was now looking at me concerned. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked, as if I would be able to notice anyway.
"No! Of course not babe but we're going somewhere more comfortable than here" I said jumping on the driver's seat.
"Oh ok" she said biting her lip.
"But please don't do it, or I might not be able to resist until we arrive" I warned her jokingly but God knows I was speaking the truth.
She simply giggled and made a gesture like she didn't know what I was talking about.
As soon as I stopped the car in the parking lot she duly asked "You never fail to amaze me, where the hell are we?"


Ok this is a faster upload than the other times but I've been inspired and also I didn't want to leave you hanging for too long. Though this is nothing compared to the second part I will be posting in a few days... or maybe more... or even less... who can say... In the meantime... have fun! 🤣😘❤️

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