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Hey! I have a blog so if you're interested in my personal life, the link is in my bio. Enjoy!


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THIS STORY IS DEDICATED TO TheScarlettMartin FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY SO DILIGENTLY AND ALWAYS BEING KIND. SHE HAS ALWAYS VOTED, ALWAYS COMMENTED, AND HAS NOT ONCE MADE ME DOUBT THIS STORY. Reading your comments was honestly what got me through writing each chapter as cheesy as that sounds. I'm honored that I am one of the writers that you've chosen to show your unwavering support. Much love!

Hola, babes. SO here I am. I just recently finished my Christmas story "Snowed In" and, if you read it *plug plug*, then you know our lovely friend, Dakota.

This is his story. I felt that he deserved one of his own so here we are, folks.

You do not have to read Snowed In in order to understand what's going on. There will be a few things that you would appreciate more if you had read it but it's not required.

So I'm going to give this a go. I apologize if it's not perfect but I have a lot of fun writing about characters that I love.

Also! Please be nice if there are typos, this is a first draft.


Do NOT steal any idea or character from this book. Do not copy and paste any party of this story. I OWN THIS, IT IS MY WORK. Do not translate it without my permission. Thank you.

Moving on, I really hope that you enjoy what I'm about to create. It might be something I write quickly but it might be something that takes me a bit to finish. Either way, I will finish it. Don't worry haha.

I do not have a cast for any of my stories other than the ones that really call for it, like my text series, because I want everyone to be able to use their own imagination and portray my story and it's characters in any way they wish.

I might make a playlist for it though. If you'd like a playlist, comment here!

Alrighty then. Here we go.

- l y s s ᙮ᐤ᙮ᐤ

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