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My reunion with Symphony is just as I suspected it would be; a lot of screaming, hugging, and laughing

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My reunion with Symphony is just as I suspected it would be; a lot of screaming, hugging, and laughing. Maybe not screaming per say but when Symphony and I get around each other we tend to talk about ten octaves louder than usual.

"Tell me everything." I tell her, flopping down onto her bed as she positions the plant I gifted her on her window sill, parting her white sheer curtains.

She looks back, a spark of mischief in her large hazel eyes. "Well...I didn't meet any cute guys on the ship but I did make a few good friends. One of the guys was super cool and I think you'd really like him. And, get this, he only lives like thirty minutes from here!" She tucks a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear as she winks.

My eyes roll as I search the opened bag of assorted candy for a Kit-Kat. "I thought you didn't meet any cute guys."

"He isn't cute." She smirks, "He's hot."

"I believe that hot is a demeaning term. How's his personality?" I speak through a mouthful of crunchy chocolate goodness as I crumple up the red paper.

Symphony sighs, grabbing a Snicker bar from the pile. "He's...interesting. He super smart and he loves books just like you. It's a match made in heaven."

"You date him." I scoff.

"I hate reading. You know that." Symphony mumbles as she whips out her phone, "I'll send you his number."

"No." I stop her, reaching over and snatching her phone from her grasp, "Sym...I really appreciate you trying to set me up and all but I really don't need it." I laugh, handing her phone back slowly as a frown appears on her face.

"You're still single, right? You haven't gone and gotten a boyfriend while I was away, have you?"

"No, I don't have a boyfriend." I tell her, my eyes casting to the ceiling as I watching the balloons I bought float around freely. "I just...don't want one. That's all."

There's a pause of silence and, soon, I can feel Symphony's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. "Lillian..."

"Yes?" I respond with a bored, anticipating what's coming.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Maybe about a certain young man who you were tragically and romantically trapped in an elevator with?" Her teasing tone makes it hard to keep an unreadable expression so I let my front fall, looking at her with a sigh.

"There's nothing going on between me and Dakota."

"Oh so his name is Dakota?" She bobs her eyebrows up and down, "He sounds cute."

"People can't sound cute, Symphony." I laugh, feeling amused by her attitude. "But..." I pause, deciding to toss her a bone, "He is pretty cute."

"I knew it!" She jumps up from the bed, pointing a finger at me. "You like this guy."

"No I don't." I pick up the nearest pillow and chuck it her way but she dodges it with a loud laugh.

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