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my faaav thing to see ^^ ☀︎

Sam comes out of the office with an unreadable expression just in time

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Sam comes out of the office with an unreadable expression just in time. I don't know what I would have said to Dakota or what he would have said to me but all I know is I'm glad for the interruption.

My problems with expressing emotion doesn't stop at just the vocalizing aspect. Sometimes I start to believe that I have a hard time feeling certain emotions at all.

Not to mention I've only known Dakota for a very short time and I get the feeling that he's the type to jump into everything headfirst whilst I am the type to wait it out and weigh the consequences. I'm happy for a budding friendship and I'm trying my best to not assume he wants something different. I could be reading everything all wrong; this wouldn't be the first time.

"How did it go?" I step away from the counter and widen the distance between her brother and I as she approaches us slowly. I ignore the small smirk on her lips as she looks between the two of us.

"Well..." A slow grin spreads across his naturally pretty features, "Amelia said I can start right now if you'd like since it's a slow day and you can show me the ropes without worrying about customers." She chuckles.

"Really?" I ask excitedly, "Yeah, I'm so down! I can start by teaching you how to work the register. Have you ever been a cashier anywhere before?" I ask her, happiness bubbling up at the thought of having a coworker to hang out with and relate to.

Sam presses her lips together as she approaches the register, inspecting it, while Dakota leans against the counter watching us with a bored expression. I roll my eyes at him and he catches this, shooting me a What the heck glance to which I respond with a dramatized smile and look back at Sam.

"I have but this looks like an older model. Could you run me through it really quick? I'm a fast learner." She grins happily as she looks at me expectantly.

"Yeah sure it actually works more like a calculator than a modern POS system. All you have to do is - "

"How long is your shift?" Dakota interrupts me, cocking his head to the side as he spins his keys around his finger.

I sigh, looking at him sideways while Sam gives him a death glare. "Why?" I ask him curiously.

Dakota looks between his sister and I. "You two will need a ride home, right?"

"Yeah but you don't have to take me home." I tell him nervously. People doing good deeds for me makes me feel oddly uncomfortable because I somehow feel that I'm a horrible inconvenience. "I'll just ask Amelia."

"No you won't." Samantha nudges me with her elbow. "We're taking you home and that's final."

"Oh no we aren't." Dakota scoffs, "I am. I am taking Lillian home." He crosses his arms over his chest and gives her a stern look.

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