⃘ t h i r t y - o n e ⃘

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A new chapter header because I got tired of the old one.

A new chapter header because I got tired of the old one

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"I already told you, Sym. That movie isn't worth our time." I tell my best friend as she holds up two prepaid tickets for the movie Five Feet Apart on her phone. When she invited me over to her house for an early breakfast, I didn't think it meant I'd get tricked into seeing a movie with her.

Offense is clear on her pretty face, her eyes wide. "I have been waiting six months for this to come out, Lillian. You have to come with me."

"I don't have to do anything." My smirk only seems to tick her off. I sigh, cocking my head to the side, "Okay fine. I'll go." I quickly give in.

"Yes." She hisses with a grin, pumping her first once in the air. "You're going to love it. You do this every time."

"Meaning?" I inquire with a raised brow as my fingers trace the marble accents on her kitchen counter.

"Meaning," She exaggerates the word, "You always say you'll hate romantic movies but I always catch you crying at the sad parts."

"So what? I like getting in my feels, that doesn't mean I liked the movie." I snort.

She gives me an unimpressed scowl, "You watched Me Before You several more times after we watched it in theaters together."

"That's false." I hold up a single finger.

"I saw it on your Amazon Prime account." Symphony deadpans, opening her fridge and pulling out a can of whipped cream, popping off the lid.

"Psh." I chuckle, "What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh-huh." She purses her lips in disbelief, "Are we also going to pretend that you didn't watch The Notebook on Netflix?"

My eyes narrow at my best friend suspiciously, "How the heck do you have all this access to my accounts?"

"We are sharing them without your knowledge but I guess now you know so...hey, I'm using your accounts. Love you." She smiles cheekily before spraying the topping into her mouth.

"You owe me." I shake my head in fake disappointment. I admit, I am rather amused by her comfortability with me. Deep down I know that it's just her way of disconnecting from her parents.

Symphony loves her parents dearly and I'm well aware of that. I've noticed, however, that at every chance she gets, she tends to defy dependence on them. I think that now that she's eighteen, she feels that for her to be connected to them on every financial level is a sign of immaturity.

I have suggested several times that she just gets a job but she's a tad bit picky about where she is employed. She rejected every one of the jobs I listed instantly which leads me to believe she might simply be nervous. She's always been a little afraid of adulthood.

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