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"How much longer do you think we'll be in here?" Dakota practically whines from his spot across the elevator

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"How much longer do you think we'll be in here?" Dakota practically whines from his spot across the elevator.

I sigh, feeling hot, sweaty, and aggravated. Whatever happened may have been some sort of power outage because the longer we're in here, the hotter it gets which leads me to believe that the air conditioning has shut off.

"Don't we have a backup generator or something?" I mumble to myself, wracking my brain for any reason why we're still in here.

"What?" He asks. "Did you say something?"

"Not to you." I mumble again, rolling my eyes.

"Stop mumbling I can't hear you. Enunciate your words. " Dakota enunciates his own words dramatically while I stand up, his eyes following me. I feel his gaze on me while I adjust my shorts.

"I'm not talking to you, Dakota." I say in an overly sweet voice, giving him a large smile.

He gives me a flat look, looking up at me through his lashes and thick brows. "Do you often talk to yourself?"

"Yes." I snap sassily, looking up and around the small confounded space with determination.

After a few moments, he speaks again, "What are you looking for?"

I sigh, running my hand through my hair and pushing the strands away from my face. "I'm trying to think of some sort of solution to our predicament." My tone is sharp and I don't even attempt to hide my frustration.

I look at him in surprise when he begins to chuckle. "What's so funny?" I ask him as he shakes his head in amusement, his fingers playing absentmindedly with the end of his light pink t shirt.

"Nothing." He smirks, chuckling again.

I frown, placing my hands on my hips, feeling oddly uncomfortable with his eyes on me especially when I know nothing about what he finds so amusing. "No seriously. Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing. Really." He waves it off and gives me an innocent look but I glare at him, shaking my head before deciding to let it go.

I continue my search for some sort of escape and that's when my eyes lock on the emergency vent in the ceiling. "Aha." I smirk, standing in the middle of the elevator with my head hung back as I inspect it.

"Made a discovery have we?" Dakota asks in an accent mixture of Indian and British. This pulls a large laugh from me, my shoulders shaking as I appraise him with a what the heck expression.

"Uh...yeah I think so." I laugh, shaking my head at him. "The vent up there. Do you think you could boost me up to it?" My eyes meet his questioningly.

His lips purse to the side as he considers this. "Sure, why not?" As soon as he's on his feet, he rubs his hands together. "So what's the plan, Stan?"

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