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As I step out of Dakota's Jeep and onto his driveway, I dread stepping inside and being greeted by the cold

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As I step out of Dakota's Jeep and onto his driveway, I dread stepping inside and being greeted by the cold. Halfway dry clothes aren't too bad when you're out in ninety degree weather but as soon as the air conditioning hits you, you're a life sized popsicle.

"You coming?" Dakota class behind him as he kicks the door, waiting for someone to open it for him. I feel bad that he's hauling all of the stuff but, when I tried to help him, he insisted on doing it himself.

"Yeah." I sigh, taking short sticky steps to the front porch and stopping behind him just as the door opens revealing a girl about my height with brown hair slightly lighter than my own and small kind almond shaped brown eyes.

Her eyes immediately ignore Dakota as he slides by her and a grin spreads over her face. "Hey, you must be Lillian! I'm Sam."

"Dakota's infamous twin." I smile, stepping into the house as she closes the door behind me.

"More like Dakota's infamous babysitter." She snorts, earning a bark of defense from her brother.

"You're such a liar. I'm always stuck babysitting you and Winter. Don't even argue." Dakota's scoffs with an eye roll.

I try not to laugh as Sam's cheeks redden and she angrily narrows her eyes. "He's so annoying." She mumbles, a tall boy emerging from what I'm assuming is a bathroom in the hallway. He places his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't let him hear you, he'll tattle on us again." The boy with the dark hair and warm dark green eyes whispers in her ear, earning a laugh from her.

"For what? What did you do this time?" She asks him, tilting her head up as she turns around to face him.

He shrugs and I stand there awkwardly. Part of me wants to run off and find Dakota but I also want to stand here and eavesdrop on this conversation. "Nothing but I'm sure he'll make something up to get us into trouble."

"He would do that?" I ask with a laugh, earning both of their attentions.

"Hey, I'm Winter." He smiles, holding his hand out.

I quickly take it, shaking it once. "Lillian. Nice to meet you."

"You too." He grins, his teeth white and straight. "And to answer your question, yes. Yes he really would."

"Wow." I chuckle, stepping to the side. "I guess I'll go find him then. I'll relay back to you if I hear anything about a malicious plan to rat you out on something you didn't actually do."

Winter laughs loudly, looking at his girlfriend. "Dude we have a spy on the inside."

"Shut up and leave her alone." Sam smacks him lightly, grabbing his head. "Let's go upstairs to my room and leave Lillian and Dakota alone."

"Oh that's not nec- "

"We'll see you later for the party. I'm glad you're here." Sam interrupts me with a kind smile as she pulls Winter up the stairs, his expression unhappy and resembling a pout. She whispers something to him that I can't hear and he immediately relaxes his face.

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