⃘ t w e n t y - s i x ⃘

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By the time Friday rolls around, it's like the weekdays have flown by

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By the time Friday rolls around, it's like the weekdays have flown by. I try to savor each day spent in the store and at least try to have fun with Sam but it's like every day slips through my fingers even faster than the last.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks me as we push a large cart of books through the isles. "You seem a little more...down than usual."

I sigh, stopping us at the coloring book section (one of the largest in the store by the way considering we carry both adult and children's coloring books). "I'm okay. Just thinking about how fast this month is going to fly by." I give her a sad smile.

Sam hands me a stack of Frozen coloring books as I slide them into their correct places. "I feel you." She tells me before pausing and asking, "Why are we restocking when we're closing in less than a month?"

I think on this, stopping my movement. "Huh. I guess I didn't think about that." I reply quietly, "Maybe it was too late to cancel the shipment? Amelia didn't know about the closing until after she ordered the new books."

"I guess." Sam shrugs, hanging me another stack from the cart. "This just doesn't seem fair."

"What do you mean?" I ask her, pushing the coloring books into place.

"I mean...where are all these books going to go? Is he going to donate them? Is he going to ship them to his house and sell them on eBay? Like, come on, there's probably thousands of books in here. This is the biggest book store I've ever heard of so why shut down so early when there's still so many books? It just doesn't make sense." Samantha mumbles, leaning against the shelf with her arms crossed.

Something I've noticed about Sam is that her opinion is very important to her. She likes to be heard and she's honestly rarely wrong...at least so far. Her moral compass is strong and that's something I respect about her.

"Sam..." I sigh, "I think that the more we question things the more we'll get angry and the less we'll enjoy our last few weeks here. I'm sure Mr. Ward has his reasons for closing. He's probably just losing way too much money and that's a common thing with books stores. Especially one with three stories." I snort, grabbing a stack of Tangled story coloring books and struggling with them until I manage to get all of them on the shelf.

Sam stands there, brows pulled together and face scrunched up. I look over at her with a raised brows. "You seem to be thinking awfully hard over there." I chuckle.

A small smile perks up her lips. "I am actually."

"Care to share?" I ask her, continuing the task at hand and not really bothering to ask her for help considering it's more of a one woman job anyway.

Sam chews on the inside of her cheek. "I just had a thought." I give her an expectant look and she sighs, laughing, "Okay I'll tell you. It'll probably sound like a stupid idea but what if Mr. Ward, you know instead of closing the entire building and potentially losing all the money he's already lost forever, just...I don't know - converted the different floors of rows and rows of books into something else? Like a gift shop or maybe even expand the bagel store to stretch over the whole floor and add a coffee shop or something?" She looks at me warily as if I'll shut her down. "I don't know...it's just an idea."

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