⃘ t h i r t y - f i v e ⃘

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My fingers play with the pages of the thin forty-eight paged book in my hands as I stand on the front porch of the Thornton's residence

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My fingers play with the pages of the thin forty-eight paged book in my hands as I stand on the front porch of the Thornton's residence. Shoving the gift into my bag, I zip it up and take a deep breath.

"I can do this." I tell myself shakily as I take one step at a time to their front door, reaching forward and ringing the doorbell.

Only a few seconds pass before the door swings open, a smug Samantha meeting me with Winter directly behind her. "Well well well." She says, leaning against the trim. "You look nice." Her comment on my simple burnt orange sundress has me rolling my eyes.

"Are you going to let me in or stare at me all night?" I sigh, ignoring the embarrassed blush dusting my cheeks.

I avoid Winter's stare but I can't escape his amused chuckle, "Dakota is waiting for you out back." He steps aside, placing his hands on the shoulders of his girlfriend and pulling her with him.

"Thanks." I smile, winking at Samantha as I pass by, her lip stuck in an annoyed pout.

Walking through the guest bedroom in the hall, I place my hands on the glass sliding door and lightly push. The gentle evening wind is enough to lift the bottom of my dress, my hands coming down to smooth out the hem.

I hear Dakota before I see him, his soft humming drifting across the large pool. When I see what he's done, my heart stops, my lips parting as I freeze in place.

The small round table in front of me is accompanied by two chairs, a bouquet of pink roses and lilies placed atop the seat to my right. His back is turned to me, my eyes taking in the candles and food all being moved around and tinkered with as he attempts perfection.

"Hey." I finally speak up, feeling timid. He turns around quickly, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Lillian. You're here." He breathes with a nervous chuckle. I can't help but notice that his skin still takes on a sickly pale hue even under the golden light of the sun.

I press my lips together and nod, rocking back on the heels of my brown leather strapped sandals. "Yeah...we said seven, right?"

He glances at me briefly, blinking before nodding, running his hand through his thick blonde hair. "Yeah we definitely did it's just...Sam and Winter were supposed to stall and - oh well, I guess I'll just deal with them later." He sighs, "Please, have a seat."

I raise my brows, his behavior seeming curious to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm splendid." He says smartly, a grin on his face. "So...how did it go? Sam wouldn't tell me one way or the other. She insisted that you would want to talk about it yourself...so I'm guessing it didn't exactly go your way?" The look in his green eyes as he pulls out my chair isn't one of pity but of sad expectancy. As if he knew this is what would come of my efforts all along. Who knows, maybe he did.

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