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After four days pass, Amelia still hasn't called me back into work and I'm basically dying of boredom

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After four days pass, Amelia still hasn't called me back into work and I'm basically dying of boredom. I'm not sure if it's because the store is closed and we're all still waiting on the elevator to be fixed or if it's because she's worried about letting me work again.

The latter makes more sense considering she's a very precautious old woman and I doubt a broken elevator would stop us from selling books. It might scare off the lazy people but there's worse things that could happen.

I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes, as I check the time. 8:24am. Groaning, I throw the blankets off and mumble to myself about why I can't seem to sleep in. I pause, lighting my screen up and double checking the date to secure my suspicions. June 20, 2019. It's Dakota's birthday today.

Quickly unlocking my phone, I pull up his contact, my thumbs freezing over the keyboard. Should I even text him? It's not like we're great friends. Oh screw it, we almost died together, that has to count for something.

Hey, it's Lillian. Just wanted to wish you and your sister a happy birthday. Have a great day :)

Blowing air through my cheeks, I toss the phone aside and stand up slowly, my head feeling heaving with sleep. With a sigh, I shuffle to my closet and grab pair of shorts, a white and red spaghetti strap top, and my white Chuck Taylors.

After pulling the clothes on, I sit down in the chair across from my vanity desk, staring at my reflection. It takes at least fifteen minutes to get my hair under control and even then all I do is french braid it halfway up and leave the other half down, using my wand to curl a few stubborn strands of hair that always seem to stay straight despite the rest of my naturally curly hair.

I'm finishing up my makeup when a loud buzzing emits from my bed. Running some chapstick over my lips, I stand slowly and pick up my phone, reading the message.

Dakota (the hot guy from the elevator):
Hey thanks ;) So I've been thinking and I just don't think today will be a good day unless you come and hang out with me for the day. Sorry but that's just the way it is.

My eyes roll but I can't stop the grin that spreads over my lips. My fingers move over the keyboard quickly as I reply,

I think you'll survive. It's your sister's birthday as well and I doubt she wants some random stranger there.

Dakota (the hot guy from the elevator):
Nahhh she won't care. Winter is here and they're going on some romantic picnic before our "party" tonight.

Why the quotations haha

He doesn't answer my question and I use the pause in conversation to change his contact name to just "Dakota" because the last thing I need is my dad seeing a contact with the words "hot" and "guy" in it. That would be slightly embarrassing.

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