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My Tuesday morning flies by due to my forgetfulness to set an alarm

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My Tuesday morning flies by due to my forgetfulness to set an alarm. Thank God my dad woke me up in time because Amelia would kill me if I were to be late again.

Good thing I make it to work at nine right on the dot and manage to clock in just in time because as Amelia steps out of her office, she seems almost shocked to see that I'm here on time.

"Good morning, Lillian." She raises her thin brows at me in surprise.

"Good morning, Amelia." I smile, placing my name tag onto my yellow top. "Any specific tasks that need to be accomplished?"

She taps her pen on her chin as she thinks before shaking her head. "No, not that I can think of. You know what to do and what needs to get done. Oh, by the way, I only need you until noon today. I've asked Samantha to try and work everything out on her own until four to see if she can handle it. It should be pretty slow today so she should be fine. If she needs anything, I'll be here." She tells me as she looks down at her clipboard. "We have a new shipment of books coming in on Friday so you'll need to stay until closing to help out, okay?"

"Sure thing." I rock back on the heels of my white Chuck Taylor's.

"Great. Also, I'm going to head over to the coffee shop down the street and get coffee before I have an important call. Would you like some?" She offers.

"Sure." I tell her, thinking about the long walk to the coffee shop I ran into by accident about a week or more ago. "You know what? Why don't I go get it for us?"

She gives me a suspicious look. "This wouldn't happen to do with my aged hips and knees and that walk in the heat now would it?"

"Uh..." I grab my bag from behind the desk. "No, not at all. I'm just thinking that I'd like to show my appreciation for your...managerial guidance. Coffee is on me okay bye!" I walk into the door backwards before turning and pushing it open, scurrying out the door.

Just as I step out onto the sidewalk, a familiar white Jeep pulls into a parking spot in front of the book store. Sam jumps out, giving me a smile.

"Hey." She says, approaching me. "You didn't just get here did you?"

"No." I shake my head and laugh, "I'm just heading out to pick up some employee coffee. Do you want any?" I ask her.

She thinks for a moment before smiling sweetly. "A caramel latte would be nice."

"Iced or hot?" I chuckle, taking a mental note of her order.

"Iced." She laughs. "Thank you, Lillian. I'll see you when you get back."

"Okay see you." I tell her as she passes me and pulls the door open, a waft of air conditioning hitting me as she goes.

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