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As it turns out, Symphony isn't exactly thrilled that I've invited all of my new friends to accompany us to the movie theater

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As it turns out, Symphony isn't exactly thrilled that I've invited all of my new friends to accompany us to the movie theater. My bad.

"Lillian." She hisses, her thin fingers latching onto my arm, "I thought this was going to be a best friends' date. Not a invite whoever you want date."

I sigh, looking ahead at Sam, Winter, and Dakota paying for their tickets. The guys don't look too thrilled about the movie choice but every time Sam looks over at Winter excitedly he always manages a nod and a smile. "I just thought that since I had to ditch them for lunch, it would be the right thing to do. Plus I know you'll love them and then you'll thank me later for having them come."

"I highly doubt that those words will come from my lips but I forgive you nonetheless. It's not your fault that you were born so unavoidably good." She mumbles with crossed arms.

"I am good, aren't I?" I bat my lashes at her before laughing as she shoves me away with a reluctant smile.

"Just promise that I get to sit next to you so I can lean over and make comments about how cute Cole Sprouse is."

"I promise." I wink, linking my arm through hers and pulling her towards our theater.

"Are you as excited for this movie as I am?" Dakota comes to stand on my other side with a sarcastic smile.

I look up at him, ignoring the waft of cologne enveloping me, "I'm probably even less psyched for this than you are if that's even possible."

"Well we can sit next to each other and complain about the cheesy parts, okay?" He grins.

"Fine." I agree with a chuckle, "But Sym will be on my other side arguing the opposed so I guess I'll be in the middle and argue neutral."

"As long as you accidentally reach into the popcorn at the same time as me, I'll be happy." He says quietly with a teasing tone, earning a slight glare from me and a little gasp from an eavesdropping Symphony.

He jogs ahead of us to make sure Winter and Sam don't sit in a dark spot of the theater by themselves and coincidentally miss the entire film. As soon as he's out of earshot, Symphony elbows me in the side.

"Ow. What the heck, Sym." I whine.

"He totally has the hots for you!" She squeals happily, "I'll be your wingman...or I guess wing-woman."

"No no no." I stop her, forcing her to a halt, "You will do nothing to provoke or encourage his antics, do you understand me?" I hold up a finger as if I'm speaking to a child, her eyes crossing slightly to stare at it.

"We're going to miss the previews. Come on." She grabs my hand, jerking me along with her and I struggle against it.

"Symphony!" I whisper-yell as we step through the door, the lights dark and the large screen already playing a preview for a new movie.

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