⃘ t w e n t y - t w o ⃘

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Dedicated to tomichele500 for being an amazing reader and commenting some beautiful comments that make me smile.

The movie I chose is one of my all time favorites but, by the way he keeps groaning and covering his face every five minutes, Dakota finds it a little more difficult to enjoy

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The movie I chose is one of my all time favorites but, by the way he keeps groaning and covering his face every five minutes, Dakota finds it a little more difficult to enjoy.

Being completely honest, I find him a bit more entertaining than the movie itself. I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth as I glance over at him, his eyes doing that weird thing where his face and nose is pulled up in a wince but his eyes are wide.

"You good?" I laugh when he covers his face with the blanket, his legs pulled up on the couch.

He looks over at me, lowering the blanket and relaxing his face. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just cringing at this movie but I'll live."

I laugh, looking back to the movie. "Thirteen Going on Thirty is a fantastic movie." I defend, knowing very well that it's more of a chick movie and, while I'm sure plenty of men enjoy it as well, I knew Dakota would absolutely despise it.

He reaches over onto my lap, noticeably scooting a bit closer to me on the couch mind you, to grab some popcorn for himself. "I'm sure it is a fantastic movie...for thirteen year of girls." He deadpans.

I lay on my back, scoffing, before using my foot to kick him in the side slightly. "Shut up."

His hand immediately grabs my foot, pushing it away. "I'm just saying that the fact that The Hulk plays in this is throwing me off. And she was such a jerk when they were younger so why is she expecting his help? It's unethical. Not to mention that the whole thing is the work of witchcraft in that weird dust crap." He says sassily, earning another swift kick from me. "Ow." Dakota explains sarcastically, pushing my foot away once more.

"He made his debut as The Hulk way after this movie was made. That's hardly a valid reason to hate the movie." I pop a few pieces of popcorn in my mouth and enjoy the crunch with a smug smile.

He rolls his eyes, pinning my legs down on his lap as to not be kicked again. "Well you're missing the whole thing by running your big mouth so watch the movie and stop trying to convert me." His dry tone is spot on but when I peer at him closely, I spot a small smirk on his lips.

"Mhm. Okay." I chuckle lowly, turning my attention to the screen. As I twist to lay on my side, I keep my legs outstretched onto Dakota's lap. He seems to have lost concern for more abuse by my feet so his grip on them has slackened.

Grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch, I pull it over myself and snuggle into the cushions, fighting to keep my eyes open. I guess Dakota was right, I am pretty tired.

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