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Friday can't come soon enough

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Friday can't come soon enough. I find myself running scenarios in my head of what Jared might say when he returns. It's a fight to remind myself to live today rather than worry about what will happen tomorrow...literally.

On this Thursday morning, Symphony and I sit together in the coffee shop in town, an iced coffee grasped in my cold hands, the ice melting to create small puddles on the surface of the table.

"You know, I genuinely believed that I did you a favor." Symphony sighs, sipping her hot chocolate. Her choice of beverage is puzzling to me considering it's broiling outside today.

"I'm not mad." I sigh, "I'm just wondering why in the world you thought it was a good idea to leave me and then not answer my calls. What if Dakota left because he knew I came with you and then I was just left there?"

She considers this, her eyes darting to the side as she purses her lips in thought, "Well I knew he wouldn't leave you."

"How could you possibly know that for sure?" I ask.

Symphony peaks at me over the top of her cup, "Dakota is a good guy. Plus he cares about you too much to not make sure you got home safely."

Although I know she's probably right, I scoff. "Whatever. You still owe me for leaving me and then hanging out with my friends."

"Our friends." She corrects, "If you can't beat them, join them, I always say." She shrugs.

"Can you at least admit you like them so we can move past the whole jealousy thing?" I ask her, stirring my coffee with my straw.

My best friend scoffs from across the table, "Jealous? Me? Please. But yes, of course, I can admit that they're really cool and I like them."

"I knew you would." I smile, "I'm glad you understand. Anyway, I've gotta head to Books and Bagels before Sam gets there. She keeps arriving before me and now everyone is comparing me to her because I'm always late." I roll my eyes.

"No one compares to you, my dear." Symphony tells me with an overly sweet smile, "Now go be the lovely bookworm that you are."

"I'll do that." I laugh, fixing my white cotton high waisted skirt. I figured a breathable material might be the best way to go on a hot day like today. Which is why I also chose a cotton baby pink top to match.

"Bye. Love you." She grins as I pick up my cup, placing my lips on the straw.

"Love you too, see you later." I reply before shoving the door open, the humidity of summer sticking to my skin as soon as I step outside.

My feet hit the pavement as I start on my way down the sidewalk, enjoying the light warm breeze and the sound of cars driving by going their own way. Tucking my loose hair behind my ear, I throw my braid over my shoulder, the hair grazing my back as I walk.

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