⃘ t h i r t y - s i x ⃘

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Why is it that the the human brain ignores the second "the" ?

Over the last few days that have passed, I've learned and seen a few things

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Over the last few days that have passed, I've learned and seen a few things. One being that Symphony was definitely correct. Once I chose to let go of my mom, the store closing hasn't been nearly as painful to think about and I'm almost happy that I'm going to have a fresh start with something new. The second thing being that I have the greatest friends in the entire world.

Symphony, Sam, Dakota and even Winter have stepped in and made sure that I've had everything I could possible ever need to get me through the loss of my job. To others it might not seem like that big of a deal. Some might even be happy if their workplace were to be shut down. However, they all seem to understand what I'm going through and they've gone above and beyond to make sure I'm doing well.

For example, yesterday Symphony brought me several old movies and shows that can't be found on Netflix or Hulu and stayed with me all day just talking, eating popcorn, and watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show with me like a true friend.

Sam gave me her favorite book trilogy to read while I'm held up in my room, Winter came with her and gave me the softest blanket he owns to bundle up in, and Dakota has been coming over each day to check on me and play pool with my dad to keep him from worrying about me.

The third and final thing is that life is so much easier when you're not carrying your mom around in your mind like a great burden. My breath even feels lighter, my head feels clearer, and I seem to smile even more. But that could be because of Dakota's constant ridiculous jokes in attempt to cheer me up. I'm convinced that he goes home and studies up on dad jokes before coming over each day.

Today I decided that mourning is pointless. So I showered, put on a pair of shorts and a yellow top, and took the time to sit outside and drink coffee with my dad before he had to go off to work.

So here I sit swinging back and forth with one earbud in, attempting to finish the second book that has been lended to me. The last few days I've been realizing just how much of my day work had been taking up. During all of this free time I've been forced to think about what I'm going to do with my life.

I guess I had never thought about what would happen after I quit working at Books and Bagels. Or maybe I would have never quit and that's honestly what scares me.

Maybe the store closing was the best thing for everybody. Jared can move on from his father's death, Amelia can retire and spend more time with her grandkids and family, and the rest of us can figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives.

"You look like you're thinking pretty hard." I voice chirps from below the steps of my front porch. My feet still under me, the swing stopping abruptly as I grin at my friend.

"Just a little." I confess, scooting over to make room for her, "I was just thinking about what I want to do now that I don't work anywhere anymore."

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