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"This is all your fault

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"This is all your fault." I seethe, marching towards Dakota as I point my index finger at his chest, poking it hard with each syllable.

His hands shoot up, dropping the book. "How is this my fault?"

"You're the one who kept making it go up and down a million times!" I growl, throwing my hands up as I stand on my tippy toes to glare into his eyes.

Dakota gives me an innocent expression. "Now just how was I supposed to know we'd get stuck?"

"You're infuriating." I huff, my eyes remaining narrowed at his wide eyes.

"So I'm told." He says lowly, leaning forward. My eyes widen as he gets closer and closer, my palm coming up to his forehead to hold his face at a distance, his eyes closed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, my brows pulled together.

His eyes remain closed as he smiles, dimples appearing in his cheeks. "I thought we were having a moment." He hums, his eyes opening cheekily.

"We are not having a moment." I spit out, pushing him back as far from me as possible. The distance being only a few feet seeing as we're stuck in an elevator.

"We could be having a moment."

"No we most certainly could not." I huff, crossing my arms once again.

He shrugs, leaning back against the wall. "It's like one of those scenarios where the girl is attracted to the guy but covers it up by being all temperamental and then yells at him. Then they kiss." I can tell by his expression that he's holding back a laugh, his cockiness fueling my frustration.

"Dakota, I'm in no mood to deal with this. Or you." I say calmly, taking a deep breath and releasing it to contain my anger.

He takes another step towards me but I hold up my hand. "Don't." I demand and he instantly stops and steps backwards once again. "Thank you."

"Let me know when you're not mad at me anymore." He tells me nonchalantly before taking a seat on the floor.

I purse my lips. "I'm not mad."

"Yeah you are." Dakota laughs, gesturing to me, "You're face is blood red and you look like you want to kill me."

"Fair enough." I sigh, looking around the small confined space as I try to calm my heart beat. I've never been particularly fond of being stuck in small spaces. I'd say I'm claustrophobic but if I admit it to myself, I might start hyperventilating. "How are you so calm about this?" I ask him, pushing at the buttons, willing for them to light up but having no such luck.

His head cocks to the side as he crosses his outstretched legs in front of him and his hands entangled in his lap. "What do you mean?"

After a moments hesitation, I slide down the wall and take a seat where I am, crossing my legs Indian style. "I don't know, you just seem so okay with being trapped in here. I mean, all of my coworkers have already gone home and if the elevator doesn't start working soon, we're going to have to call nine one one. That is, if we can get any service in here." I rant, pulling out my phone.

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