⃘ t w e n t y - s e v e n ⃘

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I don't know if you guys care but lately I've been putting the song I happen to be listening to while I write each chapter so you can have the same feels and vibe that I do! They're not always relevant to what's going on but idk it's just what I'm listening to I guess lol.

I don't know if you guys care but lately I've been putting the song I happen to be listening to while I write each chapter so you can have the same feels and vibe that I do! They're not always relevant to what's going on but idk it's just what I'm...

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"And then she fell straight into the pool, it was hilarious!" My dad laughs, red in the face, as he tells a story from my childhood and Dakota is eating it up.

"Don't listen to him." I roll my eyes, standing up from my seat at the table, the legs scratching against the floor with a small squeak. "He's the one who tripped me." I shoot my dad a playful glare as I gather all three of our plates from dinner.

"Oh way to go Mister P." Dakota laughs, giving my father a high five.

After making me some surprisingly delightful coffee (even though all he did was mix my creamer in for me), Dakota offered to help me cook dinner before my dad returned home from work. Apparently "cooking" to him means popping some frozen burritos in the microwave or preheating the oven and baking some pizza rolls so he wasn't much help.

I did let him cut the vegetables for the stir fry but I didn't let him anywhere near the stove. Even then I made sure to check on him every few minutes just so I knew he wasn't about to cut his finger off or something. Thank the Lord we made it through the entire meal preparation with all limbs still intact.

As I walk away from the dining room, the sound of deep chuckles fading, a small smile perks up my lips.

My dad seemed to have some weird connection with Dakota as soon as they both found out they share a great love for memes. I didn't even know my dad likes memes so there's that I guess. They both have a weird sense of humor which will either enhance or end up ruining my life.

I set the dishes into the sink, turning on the water as I grab the sponge. As I wash off each plate and utensil, I think of my plans for tomorrow and about what I'm going to get Symphony as a welcome home gift.

Her being gone these last few weeks has been odd and, like I've said before, I'm both sad and happy for the experience of separation. I just know that I'm going to have to catch her up on everything. It's like my life started getting exciting once I was on my own. I am, however, ready for her to be apart of this craziness with me.

"Hey stranger." I hear my dad's voice as he enters the kitchen, all of our water glasses in his hands, "Need a hand?"

I give him a thankful smile as he sets the clear glasses under the running water. "No, I'm okay. What are you and Dakota up to?"

"Well I was thinking that we might put that old pool table in the basement to some good use. Does Dakota play pool?" He asks just as Dakota waltzes in.

"Do I play pool?" He widens his arms as he mocks my dad's question, "Just you wait, Mr. Perkins."

"Oh, please, call me Walter." My dad pats Dakota's upper arm as he passes him, "And we'll see about that. I call stripes." He tells him before exiting the kitchen.

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