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We've made it to chapter thirty! That's insane! I mean there's still a lot more to come but thirty chapters is a lot and this book has basically written itself so far. It's FLYING by. I hope you're having as much fun as me. Love you guys,


Monday morning comes and I can't help but feel chipper and excited for yet another day off the clock

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Monday morning comes and I can't help but feel chipper and excited for yet another day off the clock. I told Sam that I would look into finding Mr. Ward and potentially send him an email today but, other than that, I have no plans for the day and I'm living for it.

As you can probably imagine, I like being home and I love being in my element. So days off where I am free to sit at home are something that I thoroughly enjoy.

I spend half the day watching Netflix and drinking tea so by the time four o'clock rolls around, I feel extra lazy and I know that it's time to do something productive no matter how much the idea aggravates me.

"Okay." I sigh, settling into my spot on the couch with my laptop open and fresh hot tea in my hand.

I use one hand to type out one name; Mr. Ward. It's unfortunate that I don't know his full name but after some searching and adding the bookstore's name to the end of the search, a newspaper article comes up, catching my interest. My eyes squint to read the fine print.

In an unfortunate car accident, Jared Richard Ward the First passed away on Tuesday, March Twelfth of 2019. His successor and son, Jared Richard Ward the Second, has been passed the baton of the family business and, according to him, there will be a lot of changes being made even within the next six months.

The young fresh-out-of college student is keeping anything that has to do with his father's business and the new changes very quiet but as soon as he talks, we'll know and you'll hear it here first.

The short article brings a fog of confusion over my mind. Blinking at my screen, I reread it.

Mr. Ward is dead? Why didn't Amelia say anything to me? I have a right to know if Books and Bagels has a new owner. This does change things as far Sam and I's plan to try and convince him to keep the store open.

We could have relied on the fact that Mr. Ward had put so much work and years into the bookstore to weigh his decision to our side but now that his son has been forced to take up the mantel, our chances have lessened significantly.

Besides, he just lost his dad three months ago. We would have to be heartless to bother him with business at a time like this.

Then again, he's wasted no time acting on his decisions to make changes to his dad's - well his - empire. And there's not much time to act so I may have no other choice but to speak with him anyway.

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