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"So what are we looking for today?" I ask cheerily as rub my hands together

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"So what are we looking for today?" I ask cheerily as rub my hands together.

Dakota walks beside me, cocking his head to the side as he looks at me. "Uh...a book?"

I close my eyes, releasing a breath through my nose as I fight the frustration eating away at my calm demeanor. "Considering the fact that you don't even know what you need, I'm guessing this book isn't for you?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Nah it's for my sister. She's really into the whole reading thing." His hands gesture around us and I'm assuming he's pointing to the books.

I blink at him, trying to hide my annoyance. "I see." I reply happily, gritting my teeth. "What genre is she into?"

Dakota thinks on this for a moment, his eyes downcast. "I see her reading everything from romance novels to science fiction. The latest series she's been obsessing over is definitely science fiction."

I smile, impressed. "Really? She sounds like she's pretty cool if she's into science fiction." My mind begins sorting through all the books I've read from the genre, trying my best to come up with a good recommendation.

Dakota shrugs, tucking his hands into the front pockets of his skinny jeans. "She's alright."

"Just alright?" I ask with a laugh, stopping suddenly and turning a corner as I guide him to the SF section.

"Oh." He exclaims, following me. "Well...we've always been really close and we were also homeschooled our whole lives so I've seen almost too much of her."

My heart hitches at his words and I fight to keep a smile on my face. "At least you have a sibling. And being homeschooled sounds awesome to be honest. Going through high school without someone who really understands you is hell." I laugh humorlessly, stopping at an isle of books to my left. "Here we are." I sigh, gesturing his desired destination.

I feel his eyes on me for a moment before he clears his throat and enters the isle, running his fingers over the spines. "Thank you. I probably would have been lost in here for days if you hadn't helped me." His deep chuckle brings a less forced smile to my lips.

"It's what I do." I shrug, hanging my thumbs on the belt loops of my vintage shorts. Standing there for a few more moments, I bite my lip and rock back on my heels. "Alright well...I'd better get back to work. If you can't find anything here, the romance section is back where we came. Just shout Marco and I'll Polo you in the right direction." My laugh comes out airy and I cover it up by clearing my throat.

His head turns, his hands pulling out a book with a bright blue cover as he releases an amused chuckle. "Thanks, Lillian. I'll be sure to do that."

"Only if you need help." I hold up a finger.

He shakes his head, smiling. "Right. Only if I need help."

I bite the inside of my cheek, looking back at him once before turning and beginning my trek back to my tedious job. His deep voice stops me in my tracks. "Wait."

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