◦ e i g h t ◦

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Please let me know what you're thinking of the story so far. I'm not sure about a few things and I really value everyone's opinion. Much love! ᙮ᐤ᙮ᐤ

 Much love! ᙮ᐤ᙮ᐤ

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"We shall see." He replies smartly. "Though I'm sure you won't be able to stay away after witnessing my charms first hand." He winks jokingly, earning a laugh from me.

I snort, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. "You wish."

"No you wish." He retorts with a smug expression.

"That makes literally no sense." I bite back with an eye roll.

Dakota smirks at me. "Really? It doesn't even make metaphorical sense?"

"Shut up." I fight a smile, shoving his shoulder with my hand before retracting it, realizing his flirty the action seemed and cringing at myself. "You're stupid." I mumble to make myself feel better to which he replies with another deep chuckle.

"See? You're already flirting with me. It's something you cannot control." He opens his arms with a teasing grin.

My lips press together. "I was most certainly not flirting with you, Dakota, so shut your mouth."

"Shut your mouth." He mocks me.

"You're such a butthole." I snap at him, rolling my eyes once again.

The bright grin on his lips get on my nerves. "Getting down to the real insults, I like it."

I glare sharply at him, effectively shutting him up for most likely only a millisecond. "Stop it or else."

"Or else what?" He asks lowly with a defiant expression, leaning back on his hands.

I think for a moment, my mind feeling foggy from the intense heat in such a small place. After a few more seconds, my muscles feel like jello and I feel as if I need to lay down. "I'm too hot to bicker with you right now." I groan, placing my hand on my head as I focus up at the ceiling, willing the room to stop spinning.

"No need to get conceited, Lillian." Dakota jokes, laying down once again as well.

My eyes squeeze closed and I try not to focus on my parched throat and clammy skin. I also try not to think about the little amount of water I've had to drink today. "How hot do you think it is in here?" I pant weakly.

"Well..." Dakota begins from his spot on a the floor a few feet away. "I'd say that, since it's in the high eighties outside, it must be at least in the nineties in this elevator. Not to mention the fact that we're over two stories in the air and heat rises. So it could be even hotter. Why do you ask?" He asks me, his head turning to look in my direction.

I swallow, licking my dry lips. "I'm just feeling a bit thirsty and hot that's all." I try to make my tone as light as possible even though my words feel as if they want to slur and my eyes grow heavier and heavier with each blink.

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